Whether you want to shed a few pounds, cleanse or simply increase your intake of nutrient rich fruit and veggies, DROUGHT in Plymouth is passionate about helping people reach their goals. After living in Manhattan, NY, sisters Jessie and Caitlin James had the idea of bringing raw juice to their hometown in Plymouth. Closing in on their second Spring, Drought is gaining popularity as many seek refuge from processed foods by quenching their thirst with fresh juice to revitalize.

Made from 100% organic fruits and vegetables, DROUGHT juice is unpasterized, cold-pressed and a glass-bottled beverage perfection. Drinking raw juice is the easiest way to assimilate essential enzymes and nutrients which can be lost in conventional food processing, cooking and heating.

The DROUGHT sisters chronicle their father’s success on their Facebook page. “He’s down 40 lbs since January 1st entirely fueled by DROUGHT juice since the New Year. Keep it up Dad! Thoughts become things. xo. “ DROUGHT downtown Plymouth 470 Forest ave. #11 Plymouth 734-459-6383. droughtjuice.com
Center for Yoga, Birmingham and Detroit Eastern Market – Spring/Summer.

Beginning 2/25/13 juice stocked fresh M,W,F, Sat. Single juices and juice cleanses available. ~ Sylvia Abbate


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