Unexpected New Beginnings


By Scarlet Ireland

“And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” — Meister Eckhart

2019 is upon us, and many are thinking of New Year’s resolutions. Whether it is giving up a bad habit or starting anew, good one; change is in the air! Our intentions are in the right place. We want to improve our life and the life around us. The timing is spot on too — leaving the tired, old last year behind and moving into the brand new, sparkly year!

But. What. If. We. Didn’t?

What if we trusted ourselves, our path, our intentions of being the best person we can possibly be … and let it flow from there? No Planning, No Pushing, No Controlling, No Organizing, No Expectation, No Disappointment, No Added Expense … Just Say No.

“Don’t try so hard. The best things come when you least expect them.” — Unknown

What if we went about this differently? Perhaps it is time to say YES to acceptance of who we are? Or at least to as much as we are able, with love? Maybe it is time to stop trying so hard and allow the magic of the unexpected to grace our life? Nice surprises. Remember them? Unexpected can be a good thing — try trusting it!

This is a new kind of resolution! When we embrace change, change embraces us.

“The only constant in life… is change.” — Heraclitus

Sincerely, Scarlet

Contact me and mention this article for a free phone or email consultation on a Personal Energy Art Session. 248-765-1832; scarlet.ireland@gmail.com and visit: www.scarletireland.com

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Scarlet Ireland is an Energy Artist. Her art creates an empowering vibrational space for authentic, higher purpose and transformation to allow healing, focus, and profound experience. ~Private Energy Art Sessions ~ Obtain a specially channeled Work of Art. ~IntuitiveAbstract Art Classes”, Gather your tribe and book today! ~Commissioned Artist


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