The New Age Woman


We are moving forward into the 21st century and the increased vibrational energy of planet earth continues to raise the consciousness of all individuals, beckoning them to look inward, discover and express their unique message into manifest reality, thereby furthering the spiritual escalation of humankind. The greatest symbol of this spiritual renaissance is the emergence of the new age woman. She is truly committed to a path of connection with her deep inner knowing, the powerful intuition of the divine feminine principle. She approaches life with the understanding that she cannot express herself fully as a woman unless she is self-determining. She knows that she cannot activate the awesome creative principle within unless she is strong and self-responsible, accountable, and willing to accept her mistakes and learn from them. This is the key for her to have the faith to surrender, letting go and allowing the diving feminine within to guide her.

This inner guidance unlocks her deep spiritual beauty, freeing her to pursue her highest, most profound purpose. The magnificent, mystical, creative dynamo that is her intuitively directed intelligence gives her the ability to achieve whatever her heart desires. This special connection to the unlimited universe makes her a veritable fountain of creativity, but the overwhelming effervescence of the divine feminine must be managed and focused, otherwise, its energy is scattered and ineffective. The new-age woman knows this and applies a gentle but firm discipline of patience and calm and balances her natural exuberance.

Totally secure in her femininity, the new age woman is a tower of strength, but she is not rigid. Instead, she is a picture of flexibility, retaining the natural, soft, yieldingness associated with the divine feminine and she does so without ever feeling weak or submissive. She is confident in her honest vulnerability and its power to persuade, knowing fully well what it means to be a woman, basking in the immense, quiet power of her connection to all that is.

The woman of the 21st century exhibits her independence, self-reliance, and personal freedom by pursuing a career path that gives her the opportunity to make her unique ideas a reality. She is very capable of and anxious to manifest her own prosperity; therefore, she is likely to do so through some level of self-employment. This allows her to fully observe and enjoy the implementation of her intuitively motivated ideas. This woman trusts her inner guidance and requires no proof of its validity. She takes action on her ideas rather than question or rejects them outright and she looks for business partners that do the same. She successfully teams up with these people to create a viable finished product – the result of their trusting partnership.

The new-age woman is conscious of the whole and is always concerned with mutual benefits, therefore she designs her career endeavors to harmonize with her surroundings. She is very open to receiving life’s bounty, but she is also willing to give something back. In matters of love, marriage, and family, the new age woman is extremely patient. She understands the seriousness of these values and their ultimate power to fulfill her as a woman, but she also knows that she can only reach the state of maturity that these things demand by exploring her independence and freedom to create a fulfilling life on her own. While she is intent on this goal, she is at the same time open to a relationship with any man who is strong enough, secure enough in his masculine role, to honor her as a woman and add to and enhance her already existing state of inner contentment; a man who loves her for who she is, his equal and complementary partner.

This woman, in her strong self-reliance and self-created joy, will settle for nothing less. The new-age woman is never in a hurry. She totally trusts the process of life and understands that the divine feminine principle is an inner movement of faith that surrenders to greater universal power and therefore it is an integral aspect of creation, just as important as any outer force. She knows that she will see her dreams come true because she lives in harmony with the universe. This fully evolved, spiritual woman is playful, adventurous and spontaneous, the world is her oyster and she is the glowing pearl of wisdom that knows the way to everlasting joy and the spiritual bliss of total fulfillment.

John Ashbrook is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, classes and other services, please call John at 734-326-3433


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