Stop Sabotaging Your Happiness-Through Water Energy


By Barbra White 

Freedom comes from the ordinary daily choices to listen to what feels warm and alive inside. The ability to hear this aliveness inside is a courageous choice. Many times, in these tiny pivot points where we go towards our joy, we are letting go of our perpetual disease to please, blame or fit in. Going towards what brings us alive is a radical choice that most folx have forgotten. We’ve all been taught societal roles, accomplishments, and things… bring us “happiness.” The “good boy” or “good girl” performance identification drives our choices.

Relationship experts Katie and Gay Hendrix, Ph.D., like to say that “couples fight for the victim position.” 

How often do we hear our inner voice complaining about others? What if all that energy that went into complaining went towards focusing on our joy? What keeps us from making choices that bring us peace? Why is it that even though we hear the “Be the change you want to see in the world?” quote from Mahatma Gandhi 100x, we still think it’s about changing others?   Maybe it’s because we are afraid to step out of social conditioning?

“Get out of consensus and into your senses” Martha Beck, Ph.D., The Way of Integrity

Martha Beck, in her book NorthStar, wrote about how public/social rejection is the number one fear above death. And how psychological studies show this fear of social rejection drives our choice to ignore our inner guidance. Part of us would rather fit in, be in partnership, and belong to a group —than align with our heart, Truth, or Soul?  

“When we know we belong nowhere but everywhere, we realize that true belonging is belonging to oneself. True belonging isn’t external.” Brene’ Brown Ph.D., Braving The Wilderness 

Suffering is separation from our True Self. When we ignore our inner guidance, we separate ourselves from Our-Self. I don’t need to tell you…you know, that life has pain. YET, what you may not know, is that suffering IS optional. Grief/sadness/fear is painful, but when we ignore our own inner GPS, this is suffering.

 Not listening to our hearts/True Self/inner whisper…. is a living death and re-traumatizing to our bodies. Choosing Oneself/Soul is taking 100% responsibility for our happiness. When we take responsibility for our happiness, this is TAKING BACK OUR POWER; this is why listening to what brings you alive is a bold thing to do.  

Every time we make a choice towards ease, our highest joy, aka our Soul –we are reclaiming our freedom. A feeling of being trapped or suffering are signals of self-betrayal. What is in your power to communicate? Be honest with yourself. What is in your power to change in yourself? 

 Change can come in a grabbing claiming, fiery action. This IS needed at times. However, SUSTAINED change happens from a gentle leaning in…. instead of a battle. The fight or complaining about another we may be doing is a distraction from making empowering choices. (your favorite activity, nourishing your body, getting into nature, etc..) In these gentle self-loving choices, we begin to relax and nourish Who We Truly Are. Embracing water energy, we settle into our innate Self instead of feeling like we have to “fight” to be free. The trick is…when you hear yourself complaining about another, see this as a signal that you believe you have to fight for your joy.  

See the inner complaining as a loving alarm bell that you have forgotten to listen to yourself.

Continuously going towards what we love without a need to make others wrong or ourselves is a crucial yet straightforward act of self-empowerment. 

 “A strange pull…to what you truly love.” Lindsey Scott’s album ‘Well Held.’

 Water seems submissive as it seeks the lowest point. But never forget that water can shape mountains. Surrender daily like water to your Already Present Whole Self by making small choices to go toward what feels alive in your body. 

Your True Self is already here and requires your receptivity to It. Every choice you make toward your joy, you powerfully align with your True Self. 

 Soul Power Mystic Arts begin in March 2023 nine-month apprenticeship. Develop your nature mystic, Self Acceptance Process Certification, energy healing training, four retreats, nine workshops, and life-changing support. 734-796-6690. e-mail:


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