Hypnosis Q & A with Cheryl Beshada C.M. Ht.


Hypnotherapy is the art of using the hypnotic state to elicit positive change and improvement in beliefs, behaviors and physical conditions. Below are answers that may help you understand hypnosis better and decide if it is right for you!

Q: Can hypnosis help me improve my golf game? 

A: Absolutely! Hypnosis has helped many people improve in numerous sports, including golf. A skilled hypnotherapist can help you master the techniques of the Pros. Through hypnosis, you can learn to create “mind-to-muscle memory.” It has been said that Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus used hypnosis to block distractions and increase focus on the course. Learn the art of self-hypnosis to put yourself in the “zone.” If you have any blocks to success, your hypnotherapist can tailor the program to specifically address any problem areas and help you be the best you can be at your game. 

Imagery Through Hypnosis: 

Learn to create “mind-to-muscle memory.” 

Enjoy the game as you improve in the sport  

Choose a Pro Golfer whom you would like to model 

Visualize the trajectory of the ball 

Alleviate anxiety and be in the moment. 

Release and clear any blocks or failures that may be holding you back. 

To find a hypnotist in your area who is skilled in Sports Hypnosis, visit our website at www.ClinicalHypnosisInstitute.com and go to the Find a Hypnotist tab to find a hypnotherapist near you.

Looking for a Professional Hypnotherapist?

Go to www.HypnosisPractitionerDirectory.com to find a professionally trained, qualified Hypnotist near you.

The Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group is a Directory of individuals that have maintained the Continuing Education Units or requirements specified by the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group (CHPG) to ensure top-notch services.


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