I have fingers!


By Laura Moody

Long ago, the universe started working with me on gratitude. I was raised by a mother who played the role of a victim and martyr. 

When I was growing up, I was told how unlucky she was to have a child and how her fate in life was terrible due to life’s circumstances. As a young adult, I unknowingly adopted these thought patterns in my life. I did not feel good about myself and who I was. I was unlucky. I was unlucky at love, unlucky with money, and I was flawed. I felt empty and unfulfilled. In my early 30’s, I first heard about the law of attraction. I saw the movie The “Secret” over one hundred times, trying to envision a life of happiness, love, and prosperity. There was just one problem: I did not feel that I was worthy. I was flawed, and over and over, I could prove it to people with stories about my life. It was not until my fifties that I learned about gratitude and being grateful for many things. I started to speak aloud, like “I am grateful for my fingers” and” I am grateful for my feet.” And so many other phrases that helped me put things into perspective. I write this article with a broken right wrist, and yet I am grateful that I have fingers and can type!

As we approach the holidays, I ask that you who struggle with loss and depression focus on gratitude instead. Affirmations are a wonderful thing to do to help you with feelings of anxiety and separation. Focus on what is working, not on what is not working. Be thankful for even the simplest of things. This will create a new energy around you. 

Decide to release the thought patterns that no longer serve you and choose to create new thoughts that will help you excel. Start the year off right with affirmations to raise your frequency. 

Below are just a few that I like; you can create your own. Whether you believe them or not means very little; what is important is that you say them so they can enter your consciousness.  

Here are just a few:

  1. Life loves me
  2. I am in the right place at the right time.
  3. Everything is working for my good.
  4. I am grateful for my body
  5. I am grateful for my mind
  6. I am grateful for the people in my life.
  7. I love myself
  8. All my needs are met and more.
  9. This day is perfect
  10. I am perfect just as I am.

I wish everyone a happy and loving new year!


Laura Moody


Did I tell you that I have fingers?


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