Turning a Corner


By Dawn Wheeler, C. Ht.

When you turn a corner, the obstacles in front of you step aside and let you through. Options that seemed limited, distant, or nonexistent are suddenly at the forefront and in abundance. What was once impossible now becomes possible and may even happen in the present or the near future. Struggles lift, and suddenly, everything is easier. Discomforts begin to melt away and give rise to better days. One’s mind has less chatter, and thoughts are clearer and more positive. Feeling good and happy is more common and sustainable. The future seems so much brighter.

But how does one turn a corner? 

Refrain from dwelling on the past and all the couldas, shouldas, wouldas, and what-ifs that go along with it. 

Stay present in the now and keep looking forward and up. Find joy, laughter, relaxation, and comfort wherever and whenever you can. 

Feed hope, have faith, and stay positive, especially when things are particularly difficult or negative. Be open and non-judgmental. 

Cultivate and practice self-love, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, and self-care. 

Get out in nature and allow the peace and beauty it offers to calm and stabilize you. 

Ask for help, support, and even a hug when you need it. 

Explore and read about positive transformations and healing options. 

Listen to intuitive nudges and be receptive to clues that will lead you to positive change. 

Try new things until something makes a shift in the right direction. 

Don’t give up. Before you know it, you will be turning a corner, and everything will be a whole lot better.

Dawn Wheeler, C. Ht.

Mind Over Matter Works, Comprehensive Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis for Lasting Change. For more than 20 years, Certified Hypnotherapist and Author Dawn Wheeler has harnessed and honed the tool of Hypnosis to help her clients transform virtually every aspect of their lives. For more information, check out her website at http://mindovermatterworks.com.


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