When We Keep Ourselves Small


When We Keep Ourselves Small

By Miche Lame

When we keep ourselves small, we keep our Self, our Soul, small. The Soul is that part of ourselves that is divine and is the part that guides our journey on this path on earth that we are on. It’s actually the part of us that is expansive and unlimited as the divine is unlimited; it’s not small at all, we tend to diminish it, and it’s light.

Keeping ourselves small keeps us doing only small works and not helping heal the world or shine the Light to inspire others. And how can we accomplish what we are here to do if we disconnect from and keep our souls hidden? If it’s hidden from others, it’s most likely hidden from ourselves, so we have no guide on our journey here. We feel lost, lonely, and disconnected from others.

We not only get lost, but we don’t accomplish what we are here to and so do not achieve or get what we want as we are not seen and are “invisible” even to ourselves, our Self, when we hide our Soul and disallow the divine Light to shine through and on ourselves and others. We stop being attracted to the Light, and so stop being attracted to positive experiences as we start to feel that loss, the disconnection with ourselves, and feelings of unworthiness grow.

Minimizing our Soul and hiding it beneath the muck we accumulate to hide it, feeling lost, we start letting others dictate who we should be and how to act, and we take on their values to survive in the physical, not realizing we are infinite and eternal beings of Light.

No one deserves the power of having control over who you are.

When we are connected with our souls, we know who we are. People love being around babies because they are still connected with their souls. Babies have yet to be told who they should be or are. They are still connected with the divine and know themselves as Souls, divine and holy.

How do we know we are disconnected from our souls? We often feel lost, disconnected, and without joy. We keep searching outside ourselves for meaning and may temporarily find some, but it disappears again. It’s happened to me several times. I’d be happily living, then start to feel lower energy. That lower energy signals me that I’ve got the chance to connect even more fully with my Soul.

I start meditating and journaling more, going within. Do more inner child work. Explore deeper with guidance from a trusted person. Connect with my Higher Self at my core, getting to know the divine Soul I am on a deeper level.

If you are feeling lost, I encourage you to connect with a guide you can trust if you are currently unable to trust yourself as you feel disconnected from your Soul. Everyone is a precious, divine soul and deserves to be seen and experience their own Light and share it.

Love and Light,

Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P


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