Hypnosis Session vs. a Hypnosis App.  


Hypnosis Session vs. a Hypnosis App.  

By Cheryl Beshada, C.M.Ht.

Why schedule a hypnosis session in person when I can download an app from my phone?

Many apps are available today, but if a certified professional hypnotist did not write the process, you could receive suggestions that may not be in your best interest. Many years ago, I was listening to a tape program for stress management. The program consisted of about ten cassettes. Some of them included written subliminal suggestions. Even though the program was written by a professional, the author wasn’t certified in hypnosis or knowledgeable in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP). The suggestions were well-meaning but worded incorrectly so that the listener could be programmed in a negative way.

If you were taking a skydiving course, would you research various programs? Would you choose the best instructors and guides?

It is important to do your homework and ask the right questions:

· Is the hypnotist certified, and from what school?

· How many hours of training did they complete?

· Do they give hypnosis recordings for home reinforcement?

· Have they completed classes in script writing?

· Are they a member of a hypnosis group or organization?

There’s something to be said about personal style:

· Did you call a few hypnotists to compare?

· Did they answer your questions?

· Did you feel comfortable with the person you spoke with?

All of these are important to consider when choosing hypnosis therapy.

Are you looking to become a Professional Hypnotherapist?

Our next class starts June 8th; call or visit our website at www.ClinicalHypnosisInstitute.com

The Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group is a Directory of individuals who have maintained the Continuing Education Units or requirements specified by the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group (CHPG) to ensure top-notch services.


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