By Chrissie Blaze
One thing that needs to be more widely realized is that it is easier to create positive attributes than negative ones. Why? It is because of the subconscious mind’s innate drive towards perfection. Our whole being, driven as it is by the Divine Spark, is geared towards evolution and perfection.
However, it can be extremely difficult to change your negative thoughts by a sheer act of will alone, especially with ingrained habits. The best thing is not to try and stop. Instead, slowly but surely introduce affirmations into your daily routine. Then, you will be working with this natural drive for perfection instead of against it. Slowly but surely, the motion of the affirmation will knock your thoughts and words into better shape, which will, in turn, attract more positive conditions into your life.
One of the safest and most effective affirmations ever given is the famous one written by Emile Coué:
“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better and better.”
Although very simple, this affirmation can be used safely and successfully by every person. Why? By repeating it, you will never lie to yourself. You are not saying: “I am completely well.” Instead, you are informing your subconscious mind of your positive intentions to become better, programming it to carry out this instruction, and assisting your body in its natural healing process. Also, by repeating that you are getting better and better, you are working to improve every part of you–your mental and spiritual aspects as well as your physical health. Finally, this affirmation has a dynamic and powerful rhythm that will help to drive it into your subconscious mind.
However, even more powerful than this affirmation is one in which you are affirming your relationship to God or Divinity. By doing so, you are informing your subconscious that you are a Spark of the Divine, and it will obey by gradually revealing this throughout your life:
“I am Divine Presence which is creating perfection throughout my whole life.”[1]
Another key to successful affirmation is to work with them. It is a waste of time to affirm that you have no financial problems and are extremely wealthy if you are deeply in debt. It doesn’t make sense to affirm that your financial situation is getting better if you stopped working and went on endless shopping sprees! It is far better to use the affirmation given above. Although this spiritual affirmation is not specifically designed to bring you abundance, it will, in time, bring you everything you need in your quest for perfection.
Affirmation alone is not enough. The mind-body-spirit connection requires that we constantly strive on all levels to improve. Integrity has great power, whereas hypocrisy weakens us. Your thoughts have the power to change your life, but you must craft them with common sense to get the best results.
24-Hour Consciousness
While you sleep, your subconscious mind never rests. This wonderful aspect of mind continues to perform its magic. If affirmation is the very last thing you think before you fall asleep at night, then these powerful thoughts will continue performing their work, uninterrupted by the constant demands of your ego and conscious mind.
When you arise in the morning, say this affirmation firmly and with conviction. The more distinctly and intensely you repeat affirmations, the greater their effect will be.
To enhance your affirmations even further, incorporate visualization. See yourself glowing with health and vitality. Have no doubt about the power of words to transform your life!
© Extract from the bestselling book Power Prayer by Gary and Chrissie Blaze, Foreword by Marianne Williamson.
Mantra: The Sacred Science of Sound
Even more powerful than affirmations is the mantra, the sacred science of sound. Mantra is the highest form of prayer and is ideal to incorporate into your spiritual practices. According to occult tradition, a mantra should only be used by initiation.
On Saturday, May 11, expert practitioners of mantra yoga Gary and Chrissie Blaze will hold a two-hour class where attendees will be initiated into several mantras via audio transmission from Yoga Master Dr. George King. They will delve deeply into the science behind the mantra and why it is so powerful. You will join in mantra and movement and experience the joy and benefits of mantra!
Class: Mantra: The Sacred Science of Sound – Saturday, May 11 – 2:00-4:00 p.m. Admission $20. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073. Tel: (248) 804 9945. Email:
Chrissie Blaze
Chrissie Blaze is an international speaker and author of twelve published books. She is a regular media guest and priest in The Aetherius Society. She is co-host of Aetherius Radio Live on Body Mind Spirit Radio. Chrissie teaches at The Aetherius Society in Royal Oak, Michigan. Her websites are,, and
[1] Dr. George King and Richard Lawrence, Realize Your Inner Potential, The Aetherius Society, 1998.