Alien Life – Who Are They – Why Are They Coming Here?


By Wendy Powers Nugent

Are there space aliens, and where might they come from? We can’t see the whole galaxy; we see and study only a small fraction of space.  â€śThe Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” We have been trying to get their attention using radio waves, which they may not even recognize as a form of communication. The Aliens could be unaware of us as an intelligent life form, or they may be very aware of us and have decided to study us from afar. Another theory is that they have been visiting us for centuries, and they interact with us, and we are the ones who are unaware of them being here. 

The Drake equation is a probabilistic argument used to estimate the number of active, Earth-like planets within the Milky Way that could have life similar to our own.   

The discovery of exoplanets has brought about new optimism that we could find civilizations on other Earth-like planets. 

It is possible that we could have an Earth twin with beings that look much like ourselves. There has been a discovery. More recently, astrophysicist Knicole Colón of NASA found a planet they named Kepler-452b; the Earth is only 1,800 light-years away! This newly discovered planet orbits its sun in the “habitable zone,” which means it could have liquid water on its surface. This is not an exact duplicate of our planet; however, it is 50% larger than our Earth and has been put into the classification called a “Super-Earth.”

Our government, and especially the intelligence agencies, are very secretive about the uptick in UFO sightings and are very slow to release any information about the UFO phenomenon. They have even renamed the UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) To UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) As our government tries to dispel the idea that we are being visited by other beings, from possibly other planets, dimensions, or even through time/space travel. There is too much evidence that we have been being visited for centuries, and the pace of their sightings may be due to all of the cameras now pointed at these sightings. It will just be a matter of time before somebody realizes the undeniable truth as these beings make themselves more known to the general population.    

During my years as a psychic, reading people from all over the world, I was bound to meet an alien or two. Over the years, I have had a few alien species come to my office. They may look human at the onset, but they are alien nonetheless. How can this be? Some have just taken human form not to upset us; others are similar and can pass as humans. Then, some had lifetimes on different planets and have chosen to reincarnate on this planet as humans but still retain the memories of being from a different planet. My belief from my encounters with these beings is that they are trying to experience being on this planet as a human and do not have any agenda to harm us.

However, like humans, there are good and not-so-good aliens, all of which may live among us. The few I have encountered are benign and want the human experience.  Yes, when we reincarnate, we will also evolve to a level where we can choose to live on another planet and experience a completely different way of life. I believe we live in a transitioning time where the challenge of good versus evil is real. With this in mind, we find more high souls on our planet who communicate with souls from other planets to help us teach and comfort those who encounter evil within others and themselves.

I have met beings that live in a different time-space/dimension from us but still can interact, usually when we are in a meditation or dream state. I have had a very positive encounter with these souls. They are what people have referred to as the “Tall Whites” and look like northern Europeans. They can manifest in our psychical world but prefer to stay within their dimension in time and space. One day, I meditated with an advanced group of high souls when I met my first “Tall White.” He called himself Matrika. This was a very enlightening visit that lasted for more than an hour. He shared my purpose with me and reassured me that our planet, even under attract, would survive. Don’t be afraid of encountering these different beings from wherever they may have come from. Keep an open mind and allow yourself to react using intuition first, much like when encountering strangers.  If they wanted to destroy humanity, I believe they would have by now.  My feeling is that more aliens are here trying to protect us vs. those who have not-so-good intentions towards us.     


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