By Tina Bowman
“Don’t die with the music still in you” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
I can hear my music playing now, and I wish to share it with the world. The music gets louder, and the path becomes clearer as you listen. There is hope. Life can be beauty and joy, and happiness.
Begin by gently seeing all parts of yourself with acceptance. My heart song that I wish to share is this: You are not alone. You are beautiful. You are worthy and loved exactly as you are.
We all have music inside of us: gifts that are yearning to come forth and be shared. We were all born with unique gifts that we wanted to share, as part of our journey here. For many people, our awareness of those gifts has been forgotten along the way. Maybe we were told by our parents, teachers, and friends that we are not good enough. In our society, the emphasis is on what we achieve: getting good grades, degrees, jobs, earning money, and status. All those things are outside of us.
Turn your focus inward, and you will hear your music. Do you believe that you have talents and gifts to share with the world? No? Well, you do!!!
Ask yourself: What are my gifts? What do I love to do? What does your heart tell you when you ask these questions? People’s gifts come in many forms. (Teaching, listening to others, arts and crafts, woodworking, dancing etc…) You don’t have to monetize your gift…for it to be a gift to the world.
I did deep soul searching to awaken to my music. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder 24 years ago. I decided along the way that I am not my diagnosis. The illness has been a rollercoaster ride like no other. Some challenges that I faced include: losing jobs, losing friendships, and even whole years of my life are a blur to me now. But through all of that, I continued to try. I continued to learn about the illness, how others had dealt with it, and what steps I could take towards total wellness. I found support groups, and in time I became a certified mental health group leader. I studied many healing forms and continued to grow, forgive, and heal. Today I am living my life fully and no longer on any prescription medications.
When you can honestly look at all parts of you: the good, the not so good, and everything in between and see that you are divinely perfect just as you are, this is when you will begin to hear your music playing. Self-acceptance is a process, and it starts with the willingness to let go. Let go of all the fears, the judgments, all the noise that is outside of you. One step at a time, day by day, choose to stay awake and conscious in all that you do.
What are the practices for self-acceptance? Some of my practices I teach my clients are meditation, conscious breathing, Qigong, letting go of limiting beliefs, prayer, listening to heart music, Reiki, and staying in gratitude.
I also love helping people to get organized, plan their wellness, and set goals! It is truly my honor to support others to become the best version of themselves.
There is no one right way or right path: continuing to take steps forward on your journey will bring you to that place of balance you are seeking. Sometimes you will take steps backward, and that is ok. Be gentle with yourself. There is no race to the finish. Each moment of every day is an opportunity to choose joy, to learn, and to grow into the best version of yourself.
My passion is helping others to:
find their way back to their center,
listen to their heart,
and to find balance in all areas of life.
As a mother, wife, and business professional, I KNOW how to make spirituality, healing, and self-acceptance doable! Please contact me if you need help in mental health wellness, setting goals, or discovering your true gifts. I believe that we all have the answers we seek if we are given the support we need to hear our music inside of us.
Tina Bowman has spent 14 years in the holistic and spiritual education fields. She is an Intuitive Life Coach, Level 1 Healing Touch practitioner, Reiki Master, certified Self Acceptance Process teacher, and mental health wellness group facilitator. Her experiences with trauma and mental illness have inspired her to help others.