Power of Change


By Pauline Dettloff

The Power of Change. WOW We all have to say that 2020 has been a year of change. Many things have happened to us since the beginning of the year, especially March. Our friend’s family, and children Have been affected by what is going on now! We never thought we would have to wear a mask? Only bank robbers wore masks, right? Now we are all walking around looking like bank robbers. LOL

We are all trying hard to find something positive to work with and trying not to get so affected by the Covid-19 emotionally. Depression is really hard; some of us have not been affected financially, but some of us have been hit hard. Some of the readings I have done this past month are people who can’t stay in their homes and have to move. How devastated they must feel, but there is always hope.

There’s always your Angels, your guides, people from the other side, your family members sometimes we just need to talk. I am a firm believer in Law of Attraction. There are so many wonderful things on YouTube nowadays to listen to, to get your mind back to being happy.

I always have the mindset that if you ask and believe you will have your prayers answered.

My favorite Angel is Michael. He has always been there for me as my bodyguard, when I need to talk to someone. The Angels are there for all of us, to keep us safe. Who is your favorite Angel? Doesn’t that make you smile. We all have a favorite Angel.

With Love and Light Pauline*


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