Beautiful, Magical, and Powerful Crystal Grids


By Nikki Wisniewski

Crystals and rocks of all types fascinate us. They are truly beautiful and magical pieces of nature that draw us in, capture our gaze, and entice us to touch, hold, and collect them. It is difficult to wander through any crystal store without ‘adopting’ at least one piece to bring home. As a gardener who loves having my hands in the earth, finding a special stone or crystal out in nature is especially thrilling! And no walk along a shore is complete with adding a rock to my pocket.

Many of us are drawn to collecting crystals. I am often asked, “Now that I have all these crystals, what am I actually supposed to do with them?” There are many ways we can work with and use crystals! From adding them to our potted plants to displaying them, putting them in our pockets, or even under our pillows, having crystals around is comforting, empowering, and reassuring.

One of my favorite ways to use crystals is to make a crystal grid. These beautiful displays are wonderful products of creativity that power up our intentions and manifesting! How? Like a vision board, they are visual anchors that help us focus our energy and actions toward our intentions and affirmations. The crystals and other elements we choose also provide energies that support our specific goals and purpose. For example, if I am working on the topic of wealth, I may incorporate pyrite and aventurine into my grid design. If I am trying to release negativity and increase positivity, I may choose from black tourmaline, selenite, obsidian, amethyst, and citrine.

While creating a crystal grid is foundationally a personal project – like art, you really can’t do it wrong – there are some steps to consider to maximize its potential. One crucial element is in planning and developing your intention. Crystal grids empower our focus and practice. If we vacillate on what we are attempting to create or accomplish, or we only give focused attention when first creating the grid, then await ‘magic,’ we will likely end up disappointed. So, setting an intention is important. Don’t stress too much; keep it simple, positive, present tense, and active. Focus on the essence of what you’d like to experience. Avoid terms like ‘wish’ or ‘want,’ as these will support creating the experience of wishing or wanting for something versus having it.  

Once you have your intention, you can design and gather your ingredients! You may choose a base – a crystal grid board, a plate or tray, a cloth, a piece of paper (with or without your personalized drawings or words) – or display it on a shelf or even on the ground. Select crystals with properties that support your intention and the type of experience you are manifesting. They can be tumbles, roughs, points, spheres, or other shapes. You can go deep into the rabbit hole on properties and shapes and how each contributes to the process, but I suggest keeping it simple and working with whatever shapes or finishes you find pleasing. 

You can also add elements like herbs, salts, coins, or anything that calls to you or has relevant personal meaning. I also like to always include clear quartz in my designs as it has amplifying and focusing power.

Once you’ve gathered your items, determine your location, and create! Set it up, activate it, and be sure to visit and view it daily. Feel the energy; spend time reflecting on your intention and how you are experiencing its energy growing in your life. You can leave your grid up for a few days or up to a few weeks. You can even work with moon cycles in determining your timing. You can always reset your grid anytime you need more focus or renewal of energy in that area of life. When you are complete with a grid, express gratitude and reflect on the process and connected experiences, the disassemble the grid, and cleanse the elements. Be sure to look up the best cleansing processes for your elements. Water, moonlight, sunlight, sage, or palo santo are all methods – but some may damage your crystals or other items. Store your crystals (or display them!) for future use.

There is much more to learn about crystal grids and how to design and use them! If you’d like to learn more – including how to write powerful intentions and design, build, and activate your grid – consider attending my upcoming class: “The Power & Purpose of Crystal Grids” at Enlightened Soul Center and Shop on Friday, September 16th at 6:30 pm. You can learn more and register at

About Nikki:

Nikki blends intuition, experience, and skill to mainstream the magic around us, educating and guiding her students and clients to discover, access, and trust their natural gifts and abilities and live their best lives. She also writes and teaches extensively on topics ranging from divination techniques, dream analysis, and symbology to intentionality, intuition, and manifestation. Learn more at 


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