By Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P
Is your experience of the world not going the way you would like it to? Perhaps your experience is related to what you believe and think. How we think is determined by what we think we know, what we believe we know, and what our upbringing has taught us consciously and unconsciously. With this information, our subconscious and ego write programs in our biocomputer/brain, and we then think and behave the way that we are programmed to do so. This behavior is mostly reactionary. These beliefs and thoughts produce behavior that then reaps the rewards/consequences of the behavior.
These beliefs and thoughts are actually pure energy, pure vibration, so we attract and are attracted to similar energy fields in situations and with others. That is why we feel uncomfortable with certain people and situations; the energy is in discord with ours. These feelings, thoughts, and beliefs often determine what we judge as “right” or “wrong.”
That’s right. We unconsciously judge and condemn others based on our beliefs. These beliefs often are products of not only our genetics but are also reinforced by our environments. We then judge and react accordingly.
Let’s say someone says something really insulting to you. Is it really insulting? Or, is it possible that due to what therapists call “core limiting beliefs,” you experience the situation as insulting? That is their belief system; they may even think they have complimented you! How many of your negative and positive experiences in life depend on your beliefs? How many of your beliefs limit you from creating the life you want?
Your brain is the computer for programming your thoughts and beliefs. The mind is different from the brain. The brain is the computer program; the mind is the energy that makes it run. The will is the director, the driver. It is also the receiver for the Will and Thoughts from the Divine. But, to receive those thoughts, we have to be open to them and know we are connected with God/Divine.
When we separate ourselves from the Mind of God, we forget who we are, and the subconscious lower mind, ego, hijacks us with its limiting, judgmental thoughts and beliefs, which then directs our actions and creates our experience of the world from it’s wounded and defensive point of view. When we see ourselves as separate from the Mind of God, how can we connect and operate from it? How can we more deeply be of the Light and heal the world?
Everything starts from the mind. So, which mind are you going to use? Your mind or the Mind of God?
Love and Light,
Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P