Developing Meaningful Communication with Our Pets


By Diana Wanamaker

Picture yourself at a social gathering. Conversation fills the room. You’re standing amongst a small circle of friends, talking and enjoying the evening. You turn your head slightly and there in the corner of your eye you see him. You glance over at him, and he sees you. Your eyes meet; there’s an unspoken spark. You both find a way to come across the room to meet one another. Your heart flutters, your brow begins to sweat, and light-hearted conversation is exchanged.

Time passes and you continue to see one another. Eventually comes the time when you each share your stories. Then comes that one story that defines who you are and who you have become. That is the story that makes that heart-to-heart connection, a bond that is sealed for life. No matter what our future holds, it is in those moments when our story is shared with another that powerfully connects us.

Communication is likely the single most important aspect of any given relationship. In business and personal relationships, it is the key to success. It offers stability, understanding, and balance while maintaining and building relationships. It is the life force of a flourishing relationship.

Communicating effectively requires information. Information from our pets is limited to body language, their behaviors, and their species-specific vocabulary. In actuality, there is a limited exchange of communication between us. Despite this limited dialogue we have between one another, it is clear that we share an unspoken love.

Our pets are telepathic communicators amongst each other. They learn our language to become a part of our lives.

Beyond this blissful relationship, life can offer challenges with our pets. Illness, unexplained behaviors, transitions, new family members, moving, death, and a long list of unexpected events and questions occur.

Improving communication between those we love, only deepens our understanding of each other. There is an entirely new realm of insight beyond our typical relationship with our pets. It is through a deeper connection that we become transformed. This is achieved by expanding our communication with one another.

Animals are not only here to be by our side, but they are also here for us to hear their stories. Animals can come to us in the most unusual and unexpected ways. At times it is clear that they have chosen us, instead of us choosing them. They are healers, teachers, and companions. They are here to comfort us in many ways. With an expanded communication, it can offer insight and direction to their lives and our relationship with them, beyond what we know.

In animal communication, we gain not only a better understanding of animals but also a better understanding of ourselves and the world. Broadening the depth of connection with a heart-to-heart conversation could very well amplify the world we share with them. Where lack of words sometimes fails us, an exchange of thoughts may not.

Diana is an Animal Communicator, Intuitive Medium, Counselor and Health Consultant, with a Masters degree in Social Work. She offers holistic solutions for pets and their people and specializes in CBD and Essential Oils. Combining her passion for pets and natural health, she supports her clients through life’s challenges. 248-882-7484 (text only)


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