Dixon’s Violin has been added to the 2015 Awake and Empowered Expo schedule


Dixon's Violin (hi res, with credit)Dixon’s Violin has been added to the 2015 Awake and Empowered Expo schedule. Dixon will open the event with a live concert on Friday evening at The Met Hotel in Troy, Mich. on April 24th starting at 7 p.m. Tickets for the concert and other ticket options are available at awakeandempoweredexpo.com

Dixon, the world’s premier digital violinist, left a distinguished career in the corporate world at the end of 2010 to pursue his authentic calling full-time. He invented a whole new music genre and now improvises on a 5-string electric violin with a looper to create an all-live one-man symphony of other-worldly sound. to create an all-live one-man symphony of other-worldly sound. Guided by his remarkable personal story of life transformation, Dixon reveals his soul through his instrument in a mesmerizing and inspiring one-man show unlike anything you’ve experienced.

Friday evening also includes a free-of-charge Exhibitor Showcase from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Visitors will have access to free demonstrations, be eligible for raffles and giveaways and sample products and services that nourish the mind, body and soul and can experience an Energy Transfer and Discourse with spiritual teacher, Ethann Fox.


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