Do You Have a Positive Vibration?


By Phil Rosenbaum

       Vibration energy experts believe that your thoughts affect the vibration you emit. They claim that certain emotions and thought patterns, such as joy, peace, and acceptance, create high-frequency vibrations, whereas other feelings, such as anger, despair, and fear, vibrate at lower rates. Keeping your vibrations at a high level is important for you and the healing of the planet.

       Research has found that meditation can benefit the individual, but it has also been shown to help others. In 1993, a study was conducted using Transcendental Meditation (TM) to see if a large number of people meditating could affect crime. The study was done in Washington, DC. There were 4000 participants using TM. The results of the study showed that the more participants that meditated, the greater the decrease in violent crime. The maximum decrease was 23.3% when the size of the group of meditators was the largest. The statistical probability of this occurring by chance was less than 2 in 1 billion. Meditation is just one way you can raise your vibration (as well as others around you).

       Raising your vibration is extremely helpful for you. It can alter your mind, improve your physical health, and help you achieve your goals. Many people are familiar with the law of attraction. It posits that “positive thoughts and actions lead to positive experiences and outcomes, while negative thoughts and actions lead to negative ones.” In other words, you attract whatever you focus your thoughts, energy, and attention on. The law of attraction responds to what you are offering, giving you more of what you are vibrating with, whether it is good or not. Your thoughts vibrate at a certain frequency, leading to your feelings. Together, they lead to your body’s vibration. The higher your vibration, the better the law of attraction will work in attracting good things into your life. A group of higher beings, known as Abraham, channeled by Esther Hicks, says, “As you think, you vibrate.” And “As you vibrate, you attract.” What you send out to the universe will come back to you, and you are responsible for your actions, thoughts, and emotions. “Like attracts like.”

       So, how does one raise one’s vibration? There are many things one can do. As mentioned earlier, meditation is an excellent way to do this. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Look for things to be grateful for. Changing one’s perception will help. Max Planck, who won a Nobel Prize in Physics, said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.”  

       Other methods include using positive affirmations. They can be very helpful in replacing negative and depressing thoughts. Eliminating complaining and criticizing can also be helpful. Massage, Tai Chi, martial arts, yoga, and Qigong can also be beneficial. Being mindful can also raise your vibration. Pay attention to what you are telling yourself, and if it is negative or self-destructive, change it to more positive thoughts.

       Reading good books is highly recommended. Books by Wayne Dyer, Byron Katie, Louise Hay, and Neville Goddard are excellent starting points. Also, keeping the company of positive-thinking and supportive individuals and avoiding negative people can contribute to an optimistic outlook.    

       These are just a few ways you can raise your vibration. There are many others.

If you are finding it challenging to eliminate negative thinking and the methods you have been using have not been working, consider hypnosis or counseling to help you. Hypnosis is very effective in a number of areas, including anxiety, insomnia, weight loss, and quitting smoking. It can also help you find out where deep-seated negative beliefs are coming from and aid you in eliminating them.

       If you would like to learn more about hypnosis or experience a session, please call Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. Raising your vibration will not only be good for you but also help many others around you.


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