Stop following others; you are already your own guide


By Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P

As a tribal species, we are conditioned to follow the guidance of our peers, parents, society, teachers, and now, social media. This constant barrage of influence dictates who we should be to avoid abandonment, ostracism, or to fit in. However, these external influences often lead us away from our true selves, hindering our self-discovery and spiritual growth.

True leaders are those who embark on a personal journey of self-discovery, finding and living from their center, their Divine self. They, like us, start from a place of uncertainty, but at some point, they awaken to their true essence. Whether it’s Jesus in the desert or Buddha under a tree, they all had their awakening moments, connecting with their Divine Self within. What do you think would be your awakening?

What do you think would enable you to reconnect with your true self, your Divine Self? At your core, you are Divine and eternal. You are an integral part of the All, the Divine, or the quantum field. It’s all the same – and you are a part of it. This inherent connection to the Divine underscores your worth and significance.

Most of us end up disliking ourselves and disown our true, Divine Self. This dislike can start very early (and often does) with small covert or overt signals from our family. For example, when a parent is overwhelmed, not because of you, just because of circumstances, and looks at you sternly or tells you to give them a moment. You decide the message is that you’re not good enough, that others are more important than you, or that you feel abandoned – whatever it is, it starts you on a path of feeling not good enough (the most common negative core belief). It deepened till you didn’t even like yourself.

And then you decide to cover your amazing, true, Divine Self with a role, like putting on a coat, and forget the wonderful you you are. You have lost your inner guide.

How can we rediscover ourselves? How can we experience ourselves the way God does? There are many ways to do that. One way is to start focusing on your breath and breathing in and out, possibly graduating to breathing in Light and releasing anything not of that Light. Meditating is also a way to go within and connect with your deeper self. Journaling can allow you to channel that inner self or talk with it. If you encounter difficulty, try seeking a spiritual therapist like myself as a temporary guide to rediscovering your Divine Self. This Divine Self has access to the quantum field and so has access to all the knowledge of the universe. And, the universe sings to you.

When you connect with your inner self, you are connecting with your true Divine Self, your inner guide to your next step in this world. After all, this world is an adventure; with you as your guide, you can experience and create all your desires!

Love and Light,

Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P


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