Don’t Give Up


By Dawn Wheeler, C. Ht.

It is easy to succumb to defeat or resignation when things we’ve tried didn’t work out as we wanted or resulted in some failure. It is easy to throw our hands up in the air and shout, “What’s the point?” when we’ve had a bad experience or witnessed suffering on a regular basis. It is easy to expect nothing to change because a lot of things appear to stay the same no matter what people do. It is easy to focus only on the things we cannot control instead of the things we can. It is easy to lose hope and stop trying because we are so tired of being disappointed. It is easy to expect the worst because of all the bad things that have happened in the past and are still happening in the world right now.

But here’s the thing … There is hope. Things can change and are changing. Good things can happen and are happening. Suffering is not the rule. There is a point. We have more control than we think. And let’s be clear: nothing will change if we don’t try.

If we make different choices, we can have different and better experiences. If we let ourselves believe in all the wonderful possibilities for a better life and world, change can be easier and quicker, and dreams can come true. If we focus more on the good stuff and less on the bad stuff, we will attract more good things into our lives. If we send out loving thoughts and show kindness to everyone we encounter, good and bad, it could set off a chain reaction and impulse a lot more people toward love and kindness. If we model our lives after what we would like to see in others, our thoughts and actions will generate energetic seeds that will be planted out into the world. As we nurture and feed our ideals and hold a space for better things to come, these seedlings will blossom, spread, and multiply and eventually cause the shift we’ve been wanting and needing. And while we wait, let’s remember to enjoy the ride and take advantage of every opportunity for love, happiness, peace, comfort, connection, fun, and relaxation that comes our way.

Dawn Wheeler, C. Ht.

Mind Over Matter Works

Comprehensive Hypnotherapy/Hypnosis for Lasting Change

For more than 20 years, Certified Hypnotherapist and Author Dawn Wheeler has harnessed and honed the tool of Hypnosis to help her clients transform virtually every aspect of their lives. For more information, check out her website at


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