Getting Heated Up


By Linda La Croix 

After the warm days of summer, I usually go as long as possible in the chillier fall air before turning on my furnace. Some years are easier than others, but the real question is- how long can you heat yourself up from the cloudy days, fall rains, and cooler temps? I cook in my oven more, and that heat helps warm the house. How about you? Have you turned your heat on yet?

Here in Michigan, we are already experiencing much cooler temps. If you are watching the news and seeing the events in the Middle East, that is heating you up! So can all the court action, government drama, or hearing about more mass shootings. Any of these events are likely to get your conscious mind heating up. 

As we watch in dismay, our minds try to make sense of it all. We try to figure out what this craziness is all about. I believe comprehending it all is not that easy; there’s too much happening. When deciphering what we see or hear, we may be tempted to condemn or make judgments. That thinking can be dicey as our conscious mind might become heated up, and in that mode, we don’t make good choices. 

Remember, too, that with all our great technology, many photos can be enhanced to draw us in. Some viewers or listeners will watch and re-live their own past traumas, while others will decide not to watch and ignore it. Whatever way we choose to look at it, we all play a part in its connection to the universe. 

The challenge for many is to listen and wonder how or why tragic events happen in the first place. We want to know who did it, why, how, what’s the truth, and choose for ourselves who’s right and who’s wrong. As I watch, my goal is to be informed but also to stay grounded with what’s happening.

I begin blessing the people on both sides or for those hurt and those doing the hurting. My intention is to think good thoughts, so good shows up, good would-be helpers, peace, calmness, fairness, freedom, independence, and safety for all. In prayer, I don’t tell God what is needed. Instead, I hold the intention that only Divine Order is active and present. (Divine Order is seeing God in the mist and the best possible outcome present; I need to do nothing.)

In living life spiritually, the best choice is not to choose a side. Instead, our job is to consciously create in our minds a time of healing for all involved and see only the best possible outcome happening. Let’s remember this by reading from Luke 6:37- “Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (NIV)

The media gives us every opportunity to be informed. During the craziness of it all, I watch in amazement of all that is heated up. I cannot relate to this being present in our lives at all! I choose to deny that people want to harm others, take from their good, or cheat the system we all rely on. When things seem crazy or tragic, or I don’t understand what is happening, God is missing. That’s when I visualize something better to raise the vibration. I choose to heat up my consciousness in a quiet moment with God. I hold in mind these questions; “What is this really, and why is it in our lives?” 

When we have a thought in our mind, and we make the decision that nothing is going to stop us from doing what we want to do, the ego takes over. With that attitude, we are not open to the presence of God. When situations don’t flow easily in life, we must turn the heat up in our thought consciousness to make life better. 

When our thoughts are aligned with God, life is easier. That is because the Divine Mind, God’s Mind, always brings our best and highest good forward. There is no need to force anything. When what we do and think is aligned with God’s consciousness, everything flows smoothly; it’s not work! 

As we continue to watch events unfold, I encourage you to watch without judgment—no choosing sides. We cannot choose what is good or bad, or we create an energy that does not allow those involved to evolve to their best self. I encourage you to eliminate the need to condemn, ignore, or judge. Choose to be an innocent bystander, watching and hearing without putting any personal energy into the outcome. Just visualize all people and situations calm and happy and everyone being able to live freely. 

Trust in the God energy that holds the universe in suspension. 

In your thought consciousness, turn up your heat by using your spiritual intentions. Tune into the frequency of love and healing around all stories. Include the drama you see created from the stories you hear. Hold all people in prayer consciousness for good to show up and infiltrate our entire planet. 

As you expand your intention for the best and highest good to show up, you allow good to exist for those actively involved in all countries, under all governments. It doesn’t matter who their God is or the pathway they choose to reach Him. It’s your beliefs, your energy, and your grace that help change the world and your life as well. 

Apply no time limits to your intention, warm yourself in the knowing that God IS, and trust that all is well.

Blessings of peace,

Linda La Croix 

Is the Unity Director and Prayer Chaplain at Unity


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