Gratitude and the Power of Karma


While Love is our highest aspiration, gratitude is one essential expression of this. Giving thanks is a powerful way for us to radiate the energy of Love – this miraculous, universal force that heals and transforms.

We know there are many ways to express our gratitude -– from blessing the food we eat to giving thanks for the challenges and experiences of life. For even, the most difficult are gifts from God to strengthen us in what Swami Vivekananda fittingly calls ‘the gymnasium of life’.

When we offer our gratitude, we are also activating the Law of Karma in its positive phase. According to this exact Law of God, what we give out comes back to us. When we offer our love in this way, this must be returned. This is not why we do it but neither is it wrong to consciously manipulate this great Law of God in a positive way. In fact, as a karmic astrologer, I advise my clients to do just that, in order to help alleviate the more negative and challenging aspects of their natal charts.

For me personally, the greatest expression of gratitude I have studied and practiced for over forty years is the beautiful teaching, The Twelve Blessings. Each Blessing offers a way for us to give our gratitude to those upon whom we depend for our continued existence upon this planet. It begins with the First Blessing, Blessed Are They Who Work for Peace, where we bless those people who are working for peace in our world. We, as metaphysicians, are sending our love energy to the group soul of the peacemakers on this planet, strengthening, supporting and inspiring them in their vitally important work.

The Twelfth Blessing, Blessed Is the Absolute, offers the most profound, poetic and beautiful description of God one could ever find. “It is the I Am within man. It is the life within all things……It is the worlds. It is ever and forever and forever. It is infinity, and yet it is more than this – for It is behind even these things….”.

When we offer our gratitude to God or the Absolute, we are nurturing the flame within us; that God Spark which is the Real and lasting part of us. We are helping to unravel the ties that have bound us throughout the lifetimes to reveal more of our Divine potential.

The Twelve Blessings were delivered to the world in 1958 in England through the yogic mediumship of my Spiritual Master, Dr. George King. They were given by the Cosmic Avatar of Love, The Master Jesus, in order to bring His Love and Wisdom into the world for the coming Age. They are, we are told, a continuation of His Sermon on the Mount to include a Cosmic Concept, and our gratitude knows no bounds as we open our hearts to our beloved Mother Earth, the Mighty Sun, the Supreme Lords of Karma, and more.

The beauty of the Law of Karma is that it is exact. When we offer our heartfelt gratitude to another person, it is a good thing and we will receive back a karmic blessing – either instantly or at some point in the future. However, when we offer our gratitude to a mighty Intelligence such as one of the Lords who control this great Law of God – a Lord of Karma, we receive back from this Blessing the return of an even higher Love energy.

The Twelve Blessings is not only a most beautiful Spiritual teaching and practice, it is a way we can not only help ourselves by improving our own karmic pattern but, even more importantly, can help and heal our suffering world.

In The Aetherius Society, we hold Twelve Blessings Services every Monday at 7:45 p.m. We play one of these sacred Blessings – recorded in 1958 on tape and now digitally remastered – at every Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m. Please join with us at these beautiful Services of great power and love.

Also, on Thursday, November 15, I hope you will join me for a lecture on the Power of Karma, which we activate so positively during our heartfelt expressions of gratitude. Please see our ad for further info.


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