Growing Pains


By Susan deCaussin

Is pain a necessary part of spiritual growth? Many people who are on a solid spiritual path experience pain and suffering in their lives. Have you noticed?

Spirit has assured that pain is not necessary in spiritual growth. However, people can’t hold onto past issues and still have room for new growth. When we try to force it in, we create resistance, which ultimately affects the well-being of our body, mind, and spirit.  

Have you encountered Spirit-centered obstacles along your life path recently? These obstacles can appear as health challenges, relationship issues, financial difficulties, or overall confusion about the direction of your life. 

While I understand how resistance can create an energetic imbalance, which can interfere with the ability to heal, from experience, it’s not easy to identify what’s being resisted. The answers can only be found in a heightened state of consciousness. While others can assist you in that discovery process, only you have access to that information and can make it happen. 

From the moment you’re born, society imposes rules and expectations for how your life should be lived.  That concept of conformity drives you to believe anything outside those expectations is unacceptable. From the first time you were compared to others and graded on your performance, you formed a belief system that supported the need to blend in and not stand out.  But, at this point in the evolution of man, we can no longer succumb to conformity. It’s time to embrace our individuality and unique qualities, realizing that we’re all being drawn toward roles that will contribute toward the evolution and healing of humanity.

So, how can you release resistance, tune into a heightened awareness, and identify your purpose?  The short answer is to shut down the world’s noise and direct your attention inward. There’s a quiet but mighty voice that lives within each of us.  It’s meant to lead us in the direction of discovering our intended role during our time here on Earth. Since the world’s craziness is so good at drowning out that inner voice, you must take purposeful action to reach a higher state of awareness effectively.  It’s like trying to take a phone call in a noisy restaurant. You can hear yourself, but the sounds around you are drowning out what’s coming through. It’s time to step away from the noise.

Suppose you’re not currently experiencing a struggle in your life. In that case, you may feel free to organize your time in a way that will allow that communication avenue to be created and cultivated. However, suppose you’re one of those I mentioned earlier who’s going through pain and suffering. In that case, you’ll benefit significantly from investing time in expanding your ability to connect to that quiet but mighty voice of guidance from within.

Suggesting downtime or meditation to others can sometimes feel like pulling teeth, but it’s a necessary part of fostering a connection to your higher self, guides, and loved ones who are always there to help you. Through repeated moments of silence and stillness, you’ll recognize the difference between your thoughts and messages coming in. You’ll begin to sense the pull of intuitive hits when making day-to-day decisions. Is it easy? No. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the struggles of life and can’t seem to stop circling the drain, it’s worth the effort.

What is it that you’ve always felt pulled toward in your life?  For some, it’s changing career paths or going back to school. For others, it may be writing a book or expressing themselves artistically. Our minds are great at creating a list of reasons why we can’t step out of the norm and experience new things. Your inner GPS, however, will automatically pull you in the direction of things that excite you and bring about a sense of curiosity. Trust that those “things” are a part of your reason for being here. 

Give yourself permission to break away from the concept of conformity and create a life that aligns with your true passions. When you make that decision and begin to incorporate those changes, the healing will begin, the resistance within you will cease to exist, and you’ll have created a strong line of communication that will guide you as you move forward in life. 

If you need help releasing anxiety, achieving greater peace, or nurturing a connection to your personal guidance system, I’m happy to help. With Spiritual Guidance and Hypnotherapy, you can acquire the tools to turn down the noise in your life and elevate your inner awareness.

Susan deCaussin CHt


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