Happy Friendships


Hi Everyone, are you having a good day? Or are you running into angry people, it seems there are high emotions from the top of the chain to the bottom. You might be finding it hard to talk about politics or any of your opinions with family and friends; it’s like everyone has a super opinion of something.

If you don’t believe what they believe, their anger can cause the loss of their friendship. We see this of Facebook every day, but it also happens in real life too. A friend of mine had a friendship for over 30 years, and they were very close, but the friendship was ending over an accident that was actually someone else’s mistake.

What people often forget in an argument is that before someone gets angry, they are hurt, and that hurt grow into anger, You should not have to say “I’m sorry” for something that was not your fault, but you might say, “I’m sorry you’re hurt” sometimes that helps, and often after the anger has cooled you can repair the friendship but not always.

I always try to look for a favorable situation in everything that happens in my life. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, you have choices, you can live happily, or you can live sadly; you can have a great relationship or a strained relationship, it’s all up to you.

People often come to us at Michigan Psychic Fair for “Friend or Foe” tarot or psychic readings to help with friendships because life is all about happiness, and we are all looking for that… Getting back to joy!

Join us here at Michigan Psychic Fair. We have a fair every week in the metro area, and this month is Saint Patrick’s Day, how exciting, everything is green, and everybody is Irish. It’s a happy holiday, lots of smiles. 😊😊😊

Every week we have something new going on and new and different Psychics/Mediums and energy healers on board. Also, don’t forget, we have our beautiful crystals, we also explain their healing properties, if you would like.

With Love and Light, Pauline


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