by Pastor Ric Beattie
Have you ever wondered why the end of the year has so many holidays? Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Yule and Epiphany, all have an element of Light contained in the tradition or celebration.
Metaphysically, light represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, spiritual illumination, divine presence or spark. The Light of expanding awareness dispels the darkness.
Unity is part of the New Thought movement, and at Christmas, we honor and celebrate the Christ or I AM enthroned in humanity. We honor the birth of our Brother and Way shower, Jesus of Nazareth, and we celebrate both the rebirth of the Christ presence within and our expanding awareness of the Divine Spark in each of us.
The four Sundays before Christmas are known as Advent, which is a time of preparation, the beginning of an intentional journey in consciousness.
This holiday season Unity of Royal Oak has many celebrations planned:
● On Christmas Eve, December 24, we celebrate the Divine Presence within during our 6 pm and 8 pm Candle Lighting Services.
● On Sunday, December 29, we will hold a special Winter’s Light service at 10 am.
● At 6 pm on New Year’s Eve, we host our annual Burning Bowl service to symbolically release everything we are leaving behind in 2019.
● Sunday, January 5th, is White Stone Sunday. Beginning at 10 am we seek guidance from Source in the form of a personal focus word for the New Year.
Whoever you are and however you observe this magical time of year, you are invited and welcomed to join us. Bring your questions and celebrate in a Spiritual Community that honors all paths to the One.
The Light in me greets the Light in you. Happy Holy Days!