Honoring Self


“Self-care is the number one solution to helping somebody else. If you are kind to yourself and your body and your psyche that serves other people better because you will grow strong enough to lift someone else.” Mary Lambert

Can you recall when you were in college and hanging out with friends, and someone in the group would drink more alcohol than their body could handle? Perhaps you were out for a great meal, and you overate? The next day or even sooner your body was in turmoil — sick and bellowed. Knowing your limits, however, when the next opportunity avails itself, you do it all over again. In both cases, before the overload occurs, there are signals from the body saying, “You have reached your limit” or, “Don’t try it.”

Our bodies communicate continuously, informing our intuition, which is also known as the sixth sense or somatic intelligence. When you tune into your body’s intelligence of self-care, you raise your consciousness and make meaning from your immediate experience without the filters that accompany verbal expressions.

Instead of relying so heavily on a conversation, you can facilitate growth by using the body as a precious resource to process emotions, instincts, and intuition. Listening to the full wisdom of the body reveals emotional patterns, energy shifts and opportunities for transformation.

When you exercise regularly, the results are feeling energetic, light and alive, and youthful. Then you permit life to get in the way and stop exercising. Your body becomes stiff; you’re tired and begin to eat poorly. Your body is telling you that exercise is good for health and longevity, but you stop in spite of the benefits.

Self-care is the first rule for perseverance. When you are on a distressed ship or airplane, the first step is to secure yourself with a life vest. Women are more likely to take care of their loved ones first. Have you ever noticed when someone is the only caregiver of a loved one, and without fail the caregiver neglects his or her health?

Know that it is not selfish to nurture your body with good food, rest, love, exercise, and prayer.

A few years ago, a group of women were on their annual girls’ long weekend in the Caribbean Islands. One woman, after their first night-out, began to feel poorly; she had a pain in her abdomen. During the duration of the trip, her pain persisted. Upon her return home, she visited the doctor. The doctor said it was the flu, but she knew it was something more significant than the flu. Honoring her body’s messages, she persisted and insisted that the doctors do further testing. After many appointments and tests, the diagnosis was pancreatic cancer.

The first step of self-care is being present with yourself and your surroundings. Listen to and nurture your inner signals. Take time to get to know you and the need to be kind to yourself.

Namaste, Peace, & Blessings, Gwendolyn


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