Hypnosis – Fear of Flying


Cheryl Beshada

Q:  Can Hypnosis Help Overcome the Fear of Flying?

A:  With the anniversary of September 11th this month, I receive a lot of calls about the fear of flying. The constant replay of the crash can re-trigger the anxiety for those who are already living with this fear.

Fear of flying usually involves the anxiety of being trapped and unable to get off the airplane. For some, it requires claustrophobia or the fear of being closed in.  It is a multifaceted issue that may involve many components, such as the panic associated with turbulence. The central theme seems to revolve around the powerless feeling of loss of control.

Our certified hypnotherapists, skilled in helping people overcome their fear of flying, have a track record of success. Our program usually involves a series of three or more sessions, which include hypnosis recordings for home reinforcement. People can learn how to relax on the plane using stress reduction techniques such as Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) processes and Self Hypnosis. We have had many people send us letters of thanks and e-mail pictures of their happy vacations, family gatherings, and other photos, which serve as a testament to the effectiveness of our approach.

The Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group is a Directory of individuals who have maintained the Continuing Education Units or requirements specified by the Clinical Hypnosis Professional Group (CHPG) to ensure top-notch services.  Go to www.HypnosisPractitionerDirectory.com to find a Certified Hypnotist near you. 

Are you interested in becoming a Professional Hypnotherapist?

Our next class starts September 28th; call (586) 899-9009 or visit our website at www.ClinicalHypnosisInstitute.com


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