Is There Magic in Moon Gazing?


Some say the Moon is Magic, and they wrap themselves in robes and rituals to make it manifest their desires. It may be magical, but another way to look at it, that is psychologically sound and very effective, is that the Moon is a way to focus your mind.

The Full Moon is the perfect time for entering the darkness of the night and allowing the concentrated focus to eliminate what you don’t want and to help you manifest what you want most in your life right now.

Like hypnosis, deep prayer, and meditation, it allows the conscious mind to relax and the subconscious mind to release thoughts, feelings, and patterns that no longer serve you. It also allows you to easily plant new thoughts that excite you for the things you want in your life. 

So maybe there’s no actual magic in the Moon, but “Moon Gazing” helps you eliminate the old and manifest the new by using the magic inside yourself!  

Most people already work on thinking better and releasing old patterns, but it’s not always easy, and it’s not always effective.  

Gazing at the Full Moon gives you focus power as you look at this whole, glorious globe of light. You can do rituals too and even dance in the moonlight but to activate the magic in you, all you have to do is sit with the Moon! 

Sit with her like she was your great and wise grandmother and just be with her, let the day’s thoughts drift away, just let them go and be with her wholly and completely. 

When the thoughts of the day have cleared, allow your mind to bring forth anything else that you are ready to let go of, things from the past, or even thoughts about the future; let them go, breathe them away, one by one until your mind is completely calm.

Then place your left hand over your chest where your heart beats and breathe awhile. Here, too, let your day’s emotions come and gently let them go. If you have not sat with your heart for a while, this could take a little time. You may feel the need to rock your body, embrace yourself or even cry; just be loving and patient with yourself … Keep breathing and allow all your emotions to come and, when they are ready, simply let them drift away in the night sky…

You will come again to a place of deep calmness in your being, and this time both the mind and the heart are open, clear, and calm… now you can feel the presence of your own Soul, strongly and powerfully. 

Now you can talk to your Soul, tell it what you need, the dreams of your mind, and the desires of your heart. You may feel called to make a confession, “this is just for me, for my joy, my happiness!” And realize that when something is really good for you, it’s good for everyone around you, too; knowing it’s all good helps the magic happen!

The synapses in your brain will release the old connection of harm and hate and hurt and realign and begin to grow new healthy connections throughout your mind and body; your heart will open, allowing for more joy and vibrancy as you are being made new.   

This magic of creating these new connections in your body, mind, and heart will continue over the next two weeks until the new Moon; 15 days later, you will think better and feel better, having taken this special time for yourself under the full Moon.

Happy Moon Gazing to you!

Penny Golden


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