It’s Time to Liberate Our Sophie Bear!!


By Barbra WhiteCrow

Captured at a young age, Sophie the bear was raised to stand still, be obedient, look cute, and take pictures with holiday travelers. But Sophie’s story doesn’t end there. She started asking for more: More freedom, more food, more play.  She started taking ice cream cones from kids and getting irritated as people yanked on her soft ears. Sophie was punished with aggression. She was told to be quiet, sit still, and look pretty for the camera.  The day came….Sophie had enough and bit one of the holiday travelers. But this was not the end for Sophie. She was put in a small cage, where today she circles obsessively all day until she climbs into her broken-down dog house. But there is hope for Sophie and for you. 

Can you see a bit of Sophie in yourself?

Wondering your purpose while you unconsciously repress your passion?

Trapped.  Lonely.  Obsessively self-analyzing, wondering why you feel like your life isn’t fulfilling?

Would you like to join a women’s nature-based spiritual community that empowers us to stand in the sacredness of our bodies, love our imperfections, shine our mystical Self, and follow the soul’s mandate to evolve!?  

Body shame, unworthiness, and feeling trapped by societal norms are not your fault. We understand. We’re here to support you. It’s only recently that we can vote, own a credit card, or own a home. Ten thousand years ago, the owning of land, animals, and women’s bodies was the fall of the Goddess and the rise of patriarchy. The feminine (body, nature, sensuality, community) is rising and rising in women who hear the call. Are you hearing the call?  

It’s interesting the word “Sophie” is historically the Sophionic Christ.  Coincidence?  I don’t think so.   We all, independent of gender identity (women, men, non-binary), have the divine feminine or Sophie waiting to be liberated.    Reclaiming our ecological identity, we align with purpose and truly embody Christ/Buddha’s light.  

Shakti Fire Retreat is this September.  We fill fast; please reach out to connect at 734-796-6690 or e-mail  Private Sacred Body healing sessions that include meridian opening, shamanic clearing, and intuitive guidance are available at Mother Bear Sanctuary. You’re not alone in this journey.  Mentoring and intuitive guidance are available on Zoom.,,

The infection of people pleasing and playing small is done. It’s not your fault, yet 100% of your responsibility is to heal and shift.  You are a queen, a divine feminine shaman….not a victim.   Here are some Firey quotes to inspire your passion and purpose!!  When one woman steps into her power, reclaims sensuality, and awakens her voice…we ALL benefit (men and women)

“Being a bitch is my kink,” the artist Ashnikko.

“Ovary up” Margo in the Show Magicians

“Grab your tits. It’s time to fight,” Margo in the show magicians.

“The North American woman will save the world,” the Dalai Lama

It’s happening…….

Working as a spiritual teacher, holistic body-based therapist, and divine feminine shaman for two decades, I know that when a woman reclaims her root and stands in her sensual, spiritual, authentic Self, shit gets done community heal.    It’s time, beloveds.  Hope to see you at Joy Fest on August 19th or Shakti Fire Retreat in September.  Reach out to connect! You deserve more love and support, not less.

Please respect and honor our land and animals. Wear shoes that can handle grass, and bring a lawn chair if you have one.

Please, no food for our animals and NO pets. Please honor the container and not come outside the 10-2 timeframe. Only enter pastures or barns with a Divine Feminine Shaman or Mother Bear Sanctuary volunteer. 


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