IN THE LIGHT: “Little Truths” Offers a Variety of Classes!


IN THE LIGHT: “Little Truths” Offers a Variety of Classes!

At one point in my life, I had imagined people looking to me for guidance in an inspiring retail environment that I would create. And it has come true! I manifested my dream of opening a New Age store and attracting grateful customers and happiness into my life.

I knew that when I opened “Little Truths” I would be serving a growing community. What has become increasingly clear to us since we’ve opened our doors is that there has been a significant increase in public interest in New Age philosophy. It seems that more and more people are hungry for information and inspiration to help them achieve what they want in life.

The desire for greater awareness has led many people to participate in our classes. We have an exciting line-up for July!

Rheisa Barres, a UCM Certified Healer Practitioner, also trained in various holistic modalities, will lead an “Emotional Aromatherapy Class” on Monday, July 11, and 25, 6:30-9:00PM. This class includes a personalized Zyto scan of your body’s energetic cellular communication which identifies imbalances and suggests oils and methods to support your good health! $25

What’s in your medicine cabinet? Before the age of over-the-counter remedies, our mothers and grandmothers took care of their families with old recipes. In this series of classes, participants will learn how to prepare some common remedies from lawn weeds and garden herbs. “Minjung Godfrey Folk Medicine Cabinet” runs Tuesday, July 12, 19, 26, 6:00-8:00PM. Minjung, formerly a medical and pharmaceutical translator as well as a certified medical interpreter, is a foraging instructor of “Will Forage for Food” ( She teaches classes in edible and medicinal plants in Wayne and surrounding counties. $60 for all three classes ($25 for one class before June 30 and $75 for all three classes, $30 for one class after July 1)

Join Maret Johnson for her class on Thursday, July 14, 7:00-9:00PM and “Travel the Chakras”. In this class, learn about the energy centers within the human body, the seven chakras, and how to align them to be free from Dis-Ease. Maret (mar-eh) is a traveler along life’s path. She believes nature’s gifts to us are crystals and stones. She is a retired nurse of 38 years and through her work she fell in love with the power and organic art of nature. $25
On Saturday, July 16, 4:00-7:00PM, join Lady or Auntie Daem Black Magick Woman: “Finding Your Voice and Your Magick Against All Odds”. Lady Daem is first and foremost a teacher, as well as a 3rd degree High Priestess of the Elder Faith Tradition Craft, and a 1st degree High Priestess in the RavenMyst tradition. She has been teaching everything from Wicca to Hoodoo in southeastern Michigan for the past 14 years. Daem is an individual that effects everyone around her in such an enlightening way, it is virtually impossible not to be inspired by all that she says and all that she is! $25

Elaine M. Grohman, CHTP, APP, ATP is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, an Associate Polarity Practitioner, an Angel Therapy Practitioner, and the developer and teacher of sacred geometry and energy medicine. She has been doing energy healing for fourteen years, and angel readings for seven years. She has an active private practice and a full teaching and lecturing schedule. During a two-hour group gallery reading, Elaine will share messages from the Angels. Friday, July 22, 6:30-9:00PM, Thursday, July 28 and Friday, July 29, 6:30-9:00PM. Gallery Angel Reading Fee $50 Medicine Wheel $50 each class.

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