Man And Woman


By Alethea Monk Howard

   The world is of males and females.  Until we realize that we are here to make love work in the universe, we will be as like sinking ships slowly drifting away beneath the water and not knowing why we’re sinking or how to thrift up beyond the ocean.

   Love is one of the most powerful gifts of the Almighty Spirit.  We are here to come together as one, hand in hand, side by side.

   Not one better or less than the other. We are here to be a compliment to each other.  Man and woman only exist to become unified with one another.  We are the human foundation of the earth, and if we do not stand together in our relationships with one another, we will perish like a rose, petal by petal, day after day until nothing is left but a stem.

   We are here to accomplish a purpose in life together with the freedom to do so, not to maintain each other, but to love and cherish one another.  To go forward in life to our fullest potential and beyond our wildest dreams.

   To have a real solid relationship, we need to be seen in the raw, deep down within. No shame, no game!  The core of who we really are is to manifest the essence of the relationship and the essence of our soul purpose of being.  Both man and woman make the relationship; both need to live up to who and what they truly are.  Spirit will supply our every need when we are sincerely true to ourselves and others.

   As women, we need to learn to speak up, even about the smallest things that make us angry.  This is the way to get something out into the open fire and for each of us to be understood in the warmth of it.  This is what I meant by being seen in the raw, not being afraid to be who we are, to speak our feelings with kindness, understanding, and compassion.

   As men, we need to accept and recognize that it is okay to communicate feelings and emotions. This is part of getting to know one another.  Getting to know each other on a one-on-one basis and not judging each other by what other men and women have done or what society rules on male and female behavior. Taking responsibility for the relationship is our true nature as Beings.

   Take the time to get to know each other, set your own rules or common ground.  Be real and understanding toward yourself and others. Two individuals with their own minds choosing the way they would like their life to become, which is not ruled by others, by focusing on what is important for the relationship to survive, building a solid foundation to stand upon is the manifestation of the Almighty Spirit as one, which is within each and every one of us.

   A life that man and woman create together and take responsibility for should not have to be lived by any other rules except their own when it comes to their relationship and life together.  We, as men and women, must stand together and claim our relationships with one another. As a couple, we are the foundation and the life of our union.

   When we become responsible and loyal to our words, deeds, and actions, we will have better relationships with ourselves and others.  By acting out our words, we show integrity and power; we become aware of what we say and do as we carry out our inner nature within us.

   Once we grow to see our own character, we begin to bloom like a rose, layer by layer, until we become that beautiful soul that we were created to be.

   When we eliminate any expectations, we have of others and just do, make the decision together, follow-through, not being hard on each other when one fails.  Pick up the pieces and start again.  Have fun with the choices we make, live a little, be happy.  Learn and grow together by listening and accepting, be open, and at ease with one another. Be patient in allowing one to express himself or herself.

   Allow growth at one’s own pace, sitting back and relaxing and being ourselves in the relationship will bring more peace, growth, accomplishments, and less stress in our partnership.

   Most males are afraid to express their feelings and emotions because they might appear to be weak or powerless.  On the other hand, the females suppress their feelings for fear of hurting their partner or being abuse, blamed, or hurt themselves.  So, to keep the peace, nothing is said nor done.  In this case, neither one of us is being true to our inner nature and not freeing ourselves to be who and what we must be for our peace of mind.

   The more we communicate, understand, and know each other, the more we will be able to handle our relationships and focus on the purpose of our union together.

   Let get serious.  Can we have fun together?  Can we laugh with and at each other? Can we have happy times and live with the good and bad?  When we put all our hang-ups aside (whatever they may be), we can begin to live, have some fun, and allow ourselves to grow in the presence of each other; then, we allow our higher self to be in charge and for us to simply be.

   A relationship can be that of doing what we want and simply being who we are, and if one or the other cannot accept this, there cannot be a real, meaningful relationship to begin with.

   Men and women are different from one another, yet it is in being aware and accepting the differences that make it all worthwhile.  Becoming fascinated with and appreciating our differences is what moves us forward in life and love. 

   Making our relationship a priority is very important in the world today. Therefore, men and women are the maker and shaker and the molder of the partnership they choose to manage together. Commitment is also important, committing to making the relationship work to the best of our ability and being the best, we can be because we choose to be.  Let’s get real, be real, and get on with our relationship, partnership, friendship, and life.

And so be it!

Alethea Howard, a writer, and poet, completed NRI Schools Non- fiction Writing Course.  Author of poems, Can You See Me, Beyond the Past, Oh Spirit, published in the Vitality Paper.  Her seemingly innate ability to articulate feelings and insights with such simplicity leaves the reader in a greater appreciation for life itself.


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