114 Monarch Butterflies


114 Monarch Butterflies 

By Eve Wilson

On a rare warm and sunny September day up north, I witnessed a wonderful spectacle!  

Sitting on the beach of East Grand Traverse Bay, I was meditating and doing some World Healing and Ascension Work around some of the big issues we are currently seeing when I noticed a group of four Monarch Butterflies moving south along the shoreline – some over the water and some over the land. 

I wished them a safe journey, winter season, and return flight in the spring. Then I continued my work.

Just as those four were out of sight, I saw another group coming into view from the north. Two of them chasing and playing and twining together. 

It was so joyful and sweet. I again wished them safe travel and continued on with my work.

Then just as that group was out of sight, another group came into view. And I began to realize something amazing was going on! That is when I started counting.  

For the next 45 minutes, until I had to return to the house for another purpose, I enjoyed the uniquely-sweet lightness of heart and mind that watching butterflies can bring. In total, I counted 114 Monarchs flying south, and they were still coming when I went inside.

It occurs to me that we humans are undergoing a migration too. We are migrating from an old reality of separation, limitation, and lack to a new reality of unity and unconditional love. We call this process ascension. It migrates us into a new state where we learn to co-create a beautiful life and world in unity with higher intelligence and love. Those qualities are present within us at the core of our true selves and ready to emerge.  

All migrations involve danger and hardship. Like us, the current generation of Monarch butterflies has never traveled this route, which leads them to Mexico for the winter. But within them is a soul map that guides them on their way. We have never made this journey to what is called the new world experience, but within us is the wisdom, means, courage, and love to make the journey.

The danger and hardship for us relates to the fact that we can’t just fly away from the old experience like a butterfly would. We need to make the transition from where we currently are. That means the old way of things has to pass away to allow something beautiful and new to be born. That is why human civilization seems so crazy and dysfunctional on almost every level right now. It is breaking down. But simultaneously, both within those who are aware of it and within those who are not, we are transforming. Maybe we are like a butterfly in this way too — in a chrysalis, waiting to emerge with our wings!

As we traverse this great journey of change, we can hold the sweet joyfulness of the Monarchs as a reminder to trust the process and enjoy ourselves on the way! We can play and be light, owning the higher intelligence and love within us, which guides our way.

Helping people navigate this journey of healing and ascension efficiently and gently is my work of 35 years. To find out more about that, visit my website www.spiritualhealers.com. There you can discover my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World, and my international award-winning blog, The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension. Also, learn about classes and Healings.

I wish you a smooth and joyful journey into unity with your true selves, dear friends! And I look forward with pleasure to seeing the Monarchs return in 2021.  


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