The Midwest Institute for Systemic Constellations was established by Liz Jelinek, as a training center for Constellations Facilitators—and to make this amazing process available to the public. Training programs will be offered for professionals, as well as regular workshops for everyone. According to Jelinek, who has over 25 years of experience as a psychotherapist and healer, Systemic Family Constellations can help individuals to resolve issues they have spent years in traditional therapeutic settings working on, but still have unfinished business. Jelinek points out that every individual is part of a larger system, and many people carry “soul memories” from the ancestors that cause them to repeat the same dysfunctional behaviors over and over. Systemic Family Constellations can heal these entanglements.
Family Constellations were created in Germany by psychotherapist and former priest Bert Hellinger, and have spread around the globe. MWI is one of the first to offer training for professionals in the Midwest. Gary Stuart of Constellations Healing Institute in Los Angeles will be offering a training program for facilitators July 27-29, and the general public are also invited. CEUs will be available for most licensed healthcare and mental health providers.
Contact Liz for further information or register at Group and student discounts available.
I’m excited to return to Ann arbor with Liz and the great people eager to learn from the Healing field opened up in this amazing process. I’ll be there Friday Nov. 5-7th
Namaste in advance GARY STUART