On Surrender



By Meena Puri

I woke up from my mid-day nap to the eerie silence around me, trying to reconcile what I longed for and what was. With my heart so raw, I chuckled, and my eyes swelled with tears and overflowed. The contrast was too clear and crisp, and then it occurred to me. The pain and the disappointments had risen to the surface to be purified and released. How do I miss this process every time? I sighed with relief. This is what I had to let go of: how it should be. I felt a bigger plan erupting through, a plan that I had no idea of what it might be, when will it unfold, and how will it show up? That was the point! I can’t know; I don’t need to know, for I may hold on to it AGAIN so tightly that I may come in my own way. The “work” is to surrender, to stop insisting that it should be my way and in my time. Then what should I focus on? What should I do in the meantime? I should become available to “NOW’, fully and completely. With that knowing, I let the process lead me. With my head bowed and heart opened, I followed. Such a relief. This surrendering was effortless, and in that ease, I forgot what I wanted and why I wanted it as I became so immersed with what was before me: A huge opening, empty space, and the perfection of this moment. I felt lighter, joyous, and noticed the spring back in my steps. This was the magic of surrender. Following where it is flowing and letting go of where it is blocked. The Divine flow is always present, is always effortless and perfect—no need to strain or to struggle. Follow where you are led and that which makes you shine. This is the bigger plan, the God’s plan for you. That’s all you ever have to do, for God will take care of the rest.

Meena Puri

 My Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGwe5XF90r-HojJMbH3vXXA?view_as=subscriber

E-RYT 500, C.M.T., R.A.P., Author of #1 Best Seller “Healing Your Relationship With Food: The Ayurveda Answer. Ayurvedic Healing Center LLC, 317 Union St., Ste B, Milford, MI 48381. phone: 248-685-3489.  mpuri@ayurvedichealingcenter.com  |  www.ayurvedichealingcenter.com


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