Help Provide Hope for Children this Christmas Season


Help Provide Hope for Children this Christmas Season

The Key of Hope Children’s Choir is making their first trip from squatter camps and hillside homes in Durban, South Africa to America to participate in their inaugural international tour. We invite you to participate in this unique experience as these amazing voices share their stories through song and testimony on Saturday, December 21, 3 pm at the Always Christmas store in Canterbury Village, 2535 Joslyn Road in Lake Orion. Using powerful visuals and sound, you will be transported to the beauty and squalor of Durban as twenty-two orphaned children deliver music that illustrates the impact and power of the Gospel in their lives.

This performance is made possible by a unique partnership between Woodside Bible Church-Lake Orion and Stan Aldridge, owner of Olde World Canterbury Village. “We wanted to provide a platform for the Children’s Choir to perform and I was walking through the Always Christmas shop with Stan Aldridge and thought what a unique place this would be to hold the concert. So I thought, why not ask if they would consider it” said Rick Seidel, Pastor of the Lake Orion Campus of Woodside Bible Church. He asked, Mr. Aldridge said yes and that led to another unique idea. Always Christmas will donate 500 ornaments with the names of children from Durban, South Africa written on them. Attendees can purchase an ornament for $10 to hang on their Christmas tree and all the proceeds will go to benefit the work of Key of Hope in Durban.

Founded in 2007 by Dan and Rachel Smither, Key of Hope focuses on helping children who have been orphaned by the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. Dan and Rachel started out ministering to inner city children for more than ten years with The Power Company Kids Club in Pontiac, MI. Dan has a bachelor’s degree in theology from William Tyndale College, and Rachel studied music theory at Oakland University.

Though it ranks only 25th in the world in total population, South Africa is home to the highest AIDS population of any country on the planet. One in five is HIV+. This horrific AIDS epidemic in South Africa has left behind 3-6 million orphans, with millions already suffering the effects of parents who are sick and dying of AIDS.

For more information about Key of Hope visit their website at or email Dan at


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