“Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.” Bryant H. McGill
Many things are not as simple as they may seem; reflection, releasing and letting go is undoubtedly one of them — or three of them. Letting go of old habits or relationships takes lots of time and commitment, focus and consistency.
The good news about reflection is that it can be free to be able to choose what we want for our existence. To exercise this potential freedom by releasing, and, we must be willing to open up and remove the blocks by letting go.
Letting go helps us live in a more peaceful state of mind and helps restore our balance. Our releasing and letting go allows others to be responsible for themselves and for us to take our hands off situations that do not belong to us. It frees us from unnecessary stresses. Starting the New Year free from unnecessary baggage by releasing the guilt and/or past mistakes or heal past traumas that have been a part of our life, takes reflection and ownership of the experience.
Rather than making resolutions for 2019, commit to gaining awareness of yourself, as it is said in the serenity prayer, inviting us to learn the difference between the things we can and cannot change. It also speaks to a third aspect of unburdening our stress. That is the practice of letting go of impossible situations — another “easy to say, difficult to do” habit to cultivate. The practice of reflection will help with sorting what to work on and what to let go of. The most important thing is not to carry things you do not need to carry, not to feel bad about it and not to question yourself for making the decision.
Reflection is linked to the practice of mindfulness; a capacity to be present to our experience moment by moment. In this content, being mindful avails the awareness of opportunities. Small opportunities are present every day and so is the experience of reflection, being present and aware of the constant opportunities. The experience of standing up for ourselves and standing in our truth is energizing in so many unexpected ways.
Reflection is only one element to help us become aware of our greatness. Many professions are now making reflection a mandatory requirement or at least a strong recommendation in many corporations. Cultivating this capacity to look at work and yourself in action ignites creativity and expansive thinking. Reflection opens up a door to wonder and to look at things from a broader perspective. We cannot change what we do not look at or are unaware of. There is no capacity to choose if the choices are beyond the field of one’s awareness. Learning our rhythm and attitude of self-knowledge is essential for human development in the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual dimensions.
There is a well known saying in the Unity teachings, “Let go and Let God.” It goes on to say in part, “…As I let go of the need to figure out my life intellectually, my internal and eternal divine wisdom effortlessly guides my path. When I let go of the need for recognition or approval, feelings of love and self-worth fills me.”
Reflect, release and let go.