Rock of the Month: Spirit Quartz


Spirit Quartz , mined only in South Africa, is a very unusual stone. Small crystal point’s form around a candle shaped central shaft. It is normally Amethyst, but some are whitish quartz or citrines. It is also referred to as Cactus Quartz or Porcupine Quartz, names inspired by the unique formation. Believe it or not, Spirit Quartz, because of its color, is named after a popular South African window cleaning solution named, “Spirit.”

What does this have to do with naming the stone? Window cleaning solution removes the dirt and grime and facilitates clearer vision. Ironically, the energy of this stone is similar to that solution. How is that? Spirit quartz does the same thing! It cleans the energy body and allows for inner reflection, seeing things from a higher perspective. This stone brings the aspects of the lower mind into alignment with the higher self. It is powerful for cleansing and purifying the auric field. It can repair “holes” in the etheric body, remove negative attachments and entities, balance the astral body, and facilitate optimal functioning of the chakras and meridians.

The overriding quality of this stone is for use in meditation. It helps bring peace of mind and calms fear and doubt. Most of us can relate to the fact that fear holds us back and limits our productivity, happiness and peace. When we are in fear, we often make choices that hold us hostage to circumstances that result in sacrificing our joy and freedom in life. Let go of fear and we are present to life as it unfolds — ready to truly live life’s experiences fully from a place of presence and peace.

A magnificent quality of this stone is the willingness of each little point to work in alignment with the host, producing harmony. This stone harmonizes the energies of the subtle bodies and integrates the energies at the physical level to dispel energies that are not in alignment with their higher vibration. Spirit Quartz focuses on bringing harmonious energies to the crown and third eye, facilitating communication with Spirit, guides, and the higher self. It helps connect us to the experience of oneness with All-That-Is.

Often used in healing sessions, this stone helps align the energies and remove blockages at the physical levels, permitting more of a vibrational alignment in the energies of the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. Spirit Quartz helps us put aside the needs of self for the benefit of the greater good. This stone is a must for people who are anti-social, fearful, selfish, narcissistic, confrontational, and self-centered. It is an ally for those who are shy and lack self confidence.

Pat Krajovic

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Pat Krajovic
Pat Krajovic Pat is the owner of Bodyworks Healing Center! Contact her at: 734 416-5200. She is a senior trainer and certified facilitator for the Transformational Breath Foundation and studied directly under Dr. Judith Kravitz. Pat has the deepest respect for the healing power of the breath. She is dedicated to and passionate about bringing the breath to all that choose TB as a path to deeper self awareness. Pat combines her knowledge and extensive experience of bodywork, energy healing, and emotional release work, guided by her intuitive knowing, to dance with the breath in an effective and compassionate manner.Pat has extensive training and experience in CranioSacral Therapy, Somato Emotional Release, Esoteric Healing, Pranic Healing, and various other modalities of bodywork. She sets an impeccable standard for holding space for deeper healing and expanding levels of consciousness for the highest and greatest good.Pats holds a B.S. in Human Development with an emphasis in Individual and Family Studies, a Master’s in Public Administration and a Master’s in Business Administration from The Pennsylvania State University. She is a Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and is the co-founder of BodyWorks Healing Center; a Michigan based Body/Mind/Spirit Integration Center.Pat was named “Best of the Best” for Massage Therapy in the October 2007 Issue of Allure Magazine. BodyWorks was also named Best of City Search. Pat has taught the breath in Europe and across the United States.


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