A Season Which Becomes an Everyday Reason


Holiday Season is a time of hope, celebration and forgiveness while holding on to the spirit of joy and good will to man. What is it that brings out such a change in the hearts of people? The shift begins shortly before Thanksgiving and seems to pick-up momentum as it gets closer to Christmas. Something magical happens as somehow we begin to picture outside our own needs, wants and concerns. We start to view mankind with a different set of glasses, making the world shine a little brighter during this time of year.

We often find ourselves in a whirlwind of turkey dinners, Christmas lights, family gatherings and greetings of “Happy Holidays!” and “Merry Christmas!” All of these things bring about wonderful feelings, yet often we find ourselves not recognizing the true meaning of the holiday season. This time of year brings out the best in people –kindness, generosity and good will to one another, as well as the charitable side of mankind and the innocence of children.

The Holiday season is behind us, though the spirit of what it brings can still resonate within us as we begin the New Year. Some of us have made a New Year’s resolution to establish change within ourselves.

At this time, I would like to suggest that the good will of the season continues by our doing random acts of kindness each month for a stranger. From getting someone a cup of coffee to paying a strangers toll on the highway as you pass through — doing something that has no strings attached, yet provides that miracle charm that is part of every holiday season, in the smallest and brightest way.

By Nancy Weil


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