By Ed Trainor
Self-communication plays a pivotal role in shaping the quality of our lives. It’s not just about the words we think or say but also about the emotions we create. These emotions, in turn, influence our actions and our overall physical and mental well-being.
We communicate to ourselves both verbally and non-verbally. Our verbal communication is more than just the words we think or say. It also involves pace and tone: 1) Slowing the pace can be calming. 2) Lightening the tone or giving it a comical voice can lighten our mental state.
One form of nonverbal self-communication is the pictures we create in our minds when we remember experiences or think ahead to an upcoming event. Making a list of happy experiences and occasionally reviewing and adding to them can lift our mood. Creating a positive picture about something upcoming improves the chances of a positive outcome.
Another way we communicate to ourselves is through our body. This is done by:
1) Facial expression. Think of something that makes you smile. Freeze that smile. Then, think of something slightly irritating. It does not have the same power because of the smile on your face.
2) Posture. You might have been told, “Stand up straight,” When depressed, we usually slump. Standing tall gives us a feeling of being more in charge of our lives;
3) Movement. Walking, dancing, skating, and bike riding can improve our mental state.
4) Tension. This is important. Notice that when you are anxious or angry, your body tenses, gearing up for fight or flight. Being able to relax tells your body that everything is okay. You will also probably handle the situation better. Relaxing your body takes practice.
Enhance your self-communication and your life.
Ed Trainor