Self – Compassion


By Scarlet Ireland

“When you say ‘Yes’ to others make sure you are not saying ‘No’ to yourself.” —Paulo Cohelo

The Holidays are truly a magical time! They flow with celebration and excitement. We enjoy a warm, spirited connection to our family, friends, community, and even folks we meet in passing. Collective generosity seems the norm.

Yes, this is all true…

There is also another side. It may involve hectic schedules, extended travel, crowds, short tempers and unhealthy, untended, unhealed, interpersonal relationships that have emotions running rampant.

So how do we navigate this energetic mix?

May I suggest starting with “Self-Compassion” — discovering what it means to be caring and helpful to ourselves first and see how this affects our internal and external world. Yes, this can be challenging in the best of times! But why not try it NOW… right in the middle of all of it? Explore what it means to be open-hearted with others yet grounded in love or at least deep like for yourself. We might be surprised by shifts, changes and good that can come of it!

“Self-care is not selfish or self-indulgent. We cannot nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first so that we can give from our surplus, our abundance. When we nurture others from a place of fullness, we feel renewed instead of taken advantage of.” —Jennifer Louden

Sincerely, Scarlet

Contact me and mention this article for a free phone or email consultation on a Personal Energy Art Session, at: 248-765-1832, or Visit: Please see my ad in the directory section.

Scarlet Ireland is an Energy Artist. Her art creates an empowering vibrational space for authentic, higher purpose and transformation, allowing for healing, focus, and profound experience. ~Private Energy Art Sessions ~ Obtain a specially channeled Work of Art. ~Intuitive Abstract Art Classes~, ~Commissioned Artist”. Gather your tribe and book today!


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