Why is Self-Love So Important?


1-HappinessFeast-450x298 The first time I was asked this question, I was taken back. I thought about it for weeks because it is such a big question complicated by the fact that love, let alone Self-Love, means different things to different people at different times during their life. So what is it that determines who, what, when and how you love?

It is your level of consciousness. As your consciousness uplifts, so do your beliefs and ideas about love. At less refined levels of consciousness, the love you feel is more dependent upon what you are experiencing from your external world. Here, the flow of love is outside-in. It is conditional love, such as loving someone else because of how special they make you feel by how they treat you.

At more refined levels of consciousness, a person becomes less dependent upon the outside world for love. Through Self-Love, love becomes an inside-out process, radiating outward from a person’s heart. It empowers you to live freely and joyfully as the sovereign, eternal spiritual being you are. But loving yourself as Source loves you can be difficult for many people to accept, let alone do. Many have been taught that loving yourself is being selfish. Family, religious and social programming often become embedded beliefs that you are not worthy to be loved, even by the Divine. You have been misguided into seeking the acceptance and approval of others as proof that you are lovable. On this path, you give your power away to others.

In order to know yourself as the divine Light of Source, you have to release self-judgments and the obstacles to the awareness you are literally Love incarnate. Self-Love teaches you to love yourself unconditionally no matter who you think you are, what you have done or how you have felt about yourself in the past. As your self-awareness grows, you develop a discipline to choose what thoughts, words and actions support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is an ability you can learn.

Self-Love is a necessary choice if you desire to experience higher levels of consciousness. It is essential to the ascension process and puts you on the fast track to enlightenment. Why? Because not loving yourself restricts the flow of love energy within you. It is the lack of Self-Love that creates the need for a person’s dependency upon the outside world for love. Buddha called this ‘desire’ the source of all human suffering. No matter how long or how hard you search, you will never find true happiness seeking love outside of yourself.

Self-Love is important because it helps you become less judgmental and more forgiving of others. Through Self-Love, you learn the Art of Allowing and how to accept ‘What Is’ without resistance. To others, you may seem to possess a special ability to transcend occurrences with calmness and grace, which seems strange since it is so unusual. It could be said that you are living in this world, but behaving as if you are not of it.

In fact, quite simply, you aren’t. You are living a different reality through a shift in consciousness. Self-Love is powerful because it increases the flow of love energy which determines your state of being. Consciousness could be defined as the amount of love a person is self-aware of experiencing. You feel this energy when you allow it to flow abundantly in you, through you and around you, and you do this through Self-Love. The more love in your energy field, the more refined your level of consciousness.

The trans formative experience of Self-Love deepens your understanding that Love is the Prime Creative Force of the Universe. It is the Source propellant behind Everything. Creator God is unconditional, pure and infinite love with no judgment or dependency on any aspect of creation. The Creator is, therefore, in unity with, and not separate from, Creation, which includes YOU!

Self-Love is important because it helps all of us remember our connection to Source. It teaches us that Love is all there is and that we never were and never are separate from Source Creator. We are emissaries of God’s love, human angels with the power to create a life and world full of joy.

~ Michael Krajovic

Michael Krajovic is Co-Founder of Sourceful Living (www.sourcefulliving.com) which is dedicated to using the healing power of self- love to help you embrace the abundance of life and raise human consciousness.
Visit: www.BodyWorksHealingCenter.com for information on upcoming programs during March and April.


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