What is Spiritual Fitness?


What is spiritual fitness? Simply put, it is a way of life. It’s a connection between the Body, Mind, Spirit/Soul to live the life you want and deserve, while focusing on small and consistent improvements that yield huge results. Our goal is progress not perfection. Let’s break this down:

BODY- This is composed of two categories: Eating and Exercise

Eating: We need to be conscious of what we are eating and drinking daily. For me, this has been a long journey. I’m currently at a place where I’m very aware of what I put in my body. After our interview with Dr. Joel Kahn on “The Humble Warrior Podcast,” I’m strongly considering a vegan lifestyle. For those interested in the health of your heart, please take a listen to this episode. You can download it on itunes.

Exercise: One should be doing some sort of exercise 5-6 times a week for a minimum of twenty minutes. Get the blood moving and the energy circulating! Walk, run, do yoga (my favorite), cycling, swimming, dancing, weight-lifting etc.


We define mind-work by being: awake, aware, present and conscious. How we can help with this is by putting positive information and thoughts in our mind daily. We do this by reading spiritual/personal development books as well as magazines like “Body, Mind, Spirit Guide.” I recommend this type of reading 20 minutes a day. One can also do daily mantras and affirmations. I repeat my mantra first thing in the morning when I look in the mirror, saying, “I’m well, I’m happy, I have peace within.” Daily meditation for a minimum of five minutes a day can be very helpful.


Ah, the work of the Soul. This is an art and an evolving process for us all. Individually, we each have our own paths. There isn’t any wrong way when one wants to connect with their spirit. I’ll share what’s worked for me and it continues to evolve. Here’s my spiritual fitness program:

1) When I wake, the first thing I do in the morning is give thanks to God/Universe for another day and for how grateful I am for my life and journey
2) Say my morning mantra in the mirror
3) Read my daily affirmation calendar
4) Do the Rosaries – this is a 15-20 minute process which includes prayer and sometimes turns into meditation
5) Read from one of my three daily readers that have inspirational quotes or short stories

I start my morning with these five steps every day. The whole process takes about 30 minutes. I do this before anyone wakes in my household. I am also doing a 1-hour yoga class 6-7 times a week. Personally for me, yoga is the ultimate body, mind, spirit workout; it incorporates it all. Then, at least 3-5 times a day I’ll repeat another personal mantra: “I am love. I am everything.”

Before every meal (okay, not every meal, I’m still working on this one), I give 10-20 seconds of silence for gratitude for the food in front of me and then I repeat, “I’m free.” Later in the evening, I’ll read 20 minutes before bed. Right now I’m reading, “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,” by Robin S. Sharma. When I’m done reading, I’ll end with this simple prayer: “God/Universe thank you for another day. I love you. Goodnight.”

I hope my personal spiritual fitness plan can help you on your journey!

Chris Forte


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