By Eve Wilson
Looking ahead at the coming year with my spiritual vision, I see beyond the political, social, economic, and environmental influences. What is coming are spiritual changes that will transform our world.
While people in this country have been riding the wave of the election and its implications for the past 6 months, a tremendous amount of essential change has been happening spiritually. That has laid a foundation for exponential transformation throughout 2025.
Contrary to popular opinion, spiritual influences are the deciding factor for Earth. Spirit is the cause of life and endures beyond even our world. The world has been a nursery and a workout system for growing souls who can co-create, each as a unique and unconditionally loving part of the One. Built from illusions of separation and lies about being limited, that old-world role for Earth is ended. Humans, our planet, and all creation are ascending back into unity with our eternal Higher Selves to fulfill the vision for which we were created.
Our journey of ascension has reached a critical turning point. There is no going back into the old-world experience. (See my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World for more about ascension into the new world) We are being rebirthed rapidly, shedding illusions, and receiving our Higher Self and true nature with exponential speed. The coming year brings vast healing and awakening for us during this time when the outer world is so uncertain.
Within recent months, the chasm of separation between human consciousness and eternal Higher Self has been healing, opening the way for unity between spirit and Earth. This has instituted a massive clearing of spiritual blocks that we have lived within for most of our lifetimes. Clearing includes ways that we have believed ourselves to be unworthy or alternately better than others. Ways we have been unable to love ourselves or others or have loved others at our own expense without mutual return. Ways we have been unable to manifest our necessities or have been greedy. But the biggest of all changes that we are encountering is the overcoming of fear, worry, anxiety, and hatred. These have been at a crisis point in recent years. With healing of the void that has separated us from our eternal spiritual selves, those old negative traits are being removed. This is paving the way for our Higher Selves to incarnate, including levels of our souls that have already ascended. With this infusion of unconditionally loving, enlightened spiritual selves, we are coming into a position to co-create the new world on Earth.
Expect to notice greater inner peace, clarity, wisdom, and compassion awakening within yourself this year. The old-world fears and negativity will still be present for a while and could intensify in brief waves. However, increasingly, they won’t overwhelm you. They are becoming weak and losing their influence within your life. This will be despite outer uncertainties and issues. This is the presence of your Higher Self and ascended self within your human experience.
Releasing old-world baggage in exchange for receiving higher levels of soul into your life is called soul rotation. It has been happening for the past 24 years since the end of the old-world contracts that year and is speeding up now. Soul rotation releases back into the One that no longer serves you and integrates needed elements from the vast soul body that you have built through all your incarnations. Only a small part of your soul incarnated when you were born. As we ascend, more of our hard-earned gifts and wisdom from prior incarnations are joining us in the world. In this way, many people who have been very blocked will begin to awaken to a clearer and more unconditionally loving experience of themselves and others. Increasingly, we will recognize Higher Self showing up in those around us as well as in ourselves.
This is the most important change we will see in 2025, and I am already observing it in myself and in the people around me. Much of soul rotation will take place overnight while people sleep like children grow rapidly overnight and wake up bigger! This is what will be happening on our ego and soul levels. Make time in your mornings to greet what is new within your soul, whether or not you know what has shifted. Paying attention to this will speed your ascension and strengthen your awareness of your eternal self. Ask Higher Self for help integrating the new strengths, wisdom, and unconditional love smoothly into your identity and life.
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