All Things Three: Be Who You’re Meant to Be


By Dottie Fuller

March always feels fiery to me. It’s exciting. It allows my restless winter energy to find an outlet. We talk about spring renewal and doing spring cleaning. Hatchlings are hatched and seedlings become their flower. This is the time of year to ask ourselves, What are we ready to show the world? Is it something new that has just begun to move about within ourselves, or is it something we have long suppressed out of fear? Now is one of the best times to stand tall and proudly show the world who we are with love.

With the energies of manifestation and growth brewing — expressed in the energies of March (third month) and solar plexus (third chakra) both associated with creativity, expression, and will — know that you will be supported as you allow the fire of your soul to burn strong. Just as we clean our flower beds of last year’s decay, we can lovingly and artfully do the same with thoughts, relationships, and habits that will dampen the vibrancy of this year’s personal growth. We are part of nature and very much a part of the natural cycles of death and rebirth, too. The winter has allowed us stillness, solitude, contemplation, and rest. It’s time to put it all out on the metaphorical table and ask ourselves about what still works for us and what doesn’t. It’s okay to only take what works for us and leave the rest. Allow the ever-growing fire of your soul to burn up things un-needed, the rains of the spring to wash them away, or the winds of change to dissolve the energy. Whichever metaphorical release speaks to you, do that. Then, as Geri Larkin fiercely puts it in her book Stumbling Towards Enlightenment, “Sail and sail hard.”

It’s beautiful. Everything is symbolic. As we clean our yards and houses we can look upon the remnants of last year with gratitude and love and know that more is coming. Something fresh is coming. Even if the annual blooms again, just as it has the last five years, there is still something slightly different about it each year — just as with our lives. Seasons are short and every one different. Be blessed and be free. Feel your fire and let it grow.

Dottie Fuller is a master level Reiki Practitioner, hospice nurse, and columnist with elephant journal. She has a passion for holistic approaches to illness and making positive lifestyle changes. Her education and experience began almost a decade ago in the metro Detroit area.


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