Turning On The Light


by Alethea Monk Howard

Imagine a candlelight glowing in the center of our bodies that never goes out; it may dim at times when we choose darkness of thoughts positive energy leeks out. This world needs true light-bearers to do away with falseness, pretense, and deceitfulness toward one another. Having a true heart so we can set our souls free of bondage.

We can stand firm and focus on our thoughts and feelings to keep this light shining to feel whole and free. The Almighty soars and shows beauty to those who walk this journey. A journey of true light, where love outshines all misunderstanding, which brings us to a place of realness… a vessel of love and light.

The more light we send to others and the world, the more beams of light we receive within ourselves. Imagine a smile that we share with others, an inner glow that never

goes away, it can be subtle at times, yet still there behind every thought and feeling we share with love and kindness.

We are the light of the world. We can be a vessel of light if we choose. Let’s wake up; we can choose! Who are you, which are you? Be not cast down. Walk, run toward the light… Be a beacon of light to all.

Sure, we all have our ups and downs, comings and goings. Let’s use this as a time of growth and healing. Let not our faith be diminished. Treat others with kindness, understanding, and goodness, and allow our light to shine forth. When we focus on the light, we bring more of its energy into our lives. It takes awareness to maintain it. Light is energy, it heals, and it brings joy.

The brightness of our being is created from within; waking up to this is a deepening awareness of who we truly are. This is a song we used to sing when I was a child, “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine…” Turn on the light:

  • A smile that shines.
  • True love that glows.
  • A character of honesty and integrity.
  • A spoken word of kindness.
  • The laughter of joy.
  • True communication.
  • Walking in peace and glory.

No matter our defects, they are ours no longer when we bring in the light of goodness, love, and kindness. Embrace the light!

Inner Glow

When we know ourselves within,

We begin to glow like the light of a candle.

Knowing all the things we can handle,

Knowing what it takes in life to win.

We see the light that surrounds us,

Doing what there is in life for us to do.

Bring forth the light to all in sight,

That inner glow that is oh, so BRIGHT.

Guiding Light

Look within bring forth your inner light,

Let it shine about, making your days

Sunny and bright.

Shine your light on everyone in sight,

Show love for everyone without doubt.

Let your light guide you to your

Higher state of mind.

Be the best you can be at all times,

Bring forth the roses and wine.

Life can be beautiful,

If you only let your light shine!

Alethea Monk Howard


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