Using Prayer for Healing


By Miche Lame

I find a lot of people pray for something to happen for another person or a change in their own circumstances, like money to pay the rent or guidance on what to do in a situation, and then don’t listen or look out for the answer.

I think A Course in Miracles has the right idea. That prayer is for true healing in that it helps create a shift in consciousness or perception within the soul that is here to learn and grow. That healing is impermanent unless it starts in the heart or soul center. Yes, we can pray for healing for others, and that has power, especially when the person is unable to pray for themselves, yet we are all connected, and healing is really for ourselves. Louise Hay, in You Can Heal Your Life, pointed out that dysfunction and dis-ease start within the self and in “NOT LOVING THE SELF!” (pg 23 of 2004 edition).

We need to start the healing at a soul level; healing the body or the outer is temporary as it is not the source of the problem. We can heal internally, at the soul level, to trigger external healings, but external healings often are just that, external, and so are, therefore, temporary. When we heal at a soul level, the heart, or Christ level, we are literally changing our inner vibration, which then emanates outward and has the ability to change our world and our perception of our experiences, often resulting in a different outcome than we would have expected before the inner shift, the inner healing.

Most of the clients I see want to have a different experience in life, and some don’t even want to be here and are ungrounded or, as more than one put it, “dissociated.” We are here to learn and experience from a soul level, and to do that, we have to be grounded and in our bodies to have those experiences. If we are sleepwalking in our bodies, it’s like driving a car with eyes closed, wondering how and why we are getting into accidents.

So when we pray, ideally, we are praying for a shift in awareness or perception, vibration. Part of the healing is, as the Course and Hay, as well as most esoteric knowings, is to Know Thyself. And, in knowing thyself as part of the divine, we are naturally love and lovable, and loving.

By connecting our heart/soul center with the divine, usually through some meditation and therapies, we are able to ignite the spark of the divine, the change within ourselves. We are able to connect with divine love, and the soul is able to discern the false and fearful images of the ego, what we’ve been taught genetically from our parents and society.

By connecting with the divine through prayer or meditation, we are able to connect more fully with our divine loving self and heal from our foundation within.

Love and Light,

Miche Lame’, M.A.L.L.P


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