Why Wait? The Baby Boomer’s Guide to Preparing”


It is obvious when one starts to read Why Wait? that the author Carolyn A. Brent, M.B.A. never expected to find herself in the situation she presents through the recanting of her extremely personal experiences dealing with her aging father’s life circumstances but this is exactly WHY she wrote the book. This is a baby boomer’s guide to preparing emotionally, financially and legally for a parent’s death and while Ms. Brent’s father is still alive the journey they experienced is something she hopes to spare the reader.

From the realization that the elderly need care to where to turn for help and when to allow one’s self to let go and relinquish certain responsibilities to the authorities to take over is truly a road of awareness and acceptance. Ms. Brent admits she wasn’t fully prepared for what was taking place let alone what was about to take place and the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual stress was almost more than she could bear. Allowing hers and her father’s situation to be an example for others is where she finds her strength to advocate for the aging population and their care givers.

There are currently 79 million baby boomers in the United States with an estimated 13 million of them caring for elderly parents and other family members. From recognizing when someone needs special care to being able to make informed choices and being able to have the conversations with all the important people in the decision making process this book is an informative guide offering support and direction. Chapter 7 even covers taking care of the care giver, why and how since there is such a tendency to give until the one giving is worn out that serves no one especially the elderly. Ms. Brent lists agencies and resources covering topics such as senior living, family care giving, assisted living and nursing homes, insurances and legal information.

Just under 150 pages, “Why Wait?” is a MUST for anyone who may be in the situation of caring for an elderly person, who may BE in that situation or knows someone who is a care giver for regardless of your association with this growing phenomenon, understanding your role and being able to execute it effectively makes all the difference in the world. Thank you, Carolyn A. Brent for making a positive difference in this world with your power-filled book.




 Body Mind Spirit RADIO interview with the authur below…


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