What the World Needs Now….


Hello, my friends,

Another extremely powerful month we are entering with many massive shifts that are happening for all of us. It is even more important than ever before to get ahead of the energy shifts.

First of all, I hope you are enjoying the exercises that I have been sharing with you this year. I’d like for you to continue the exercises from the last 2 month and to focus on your core. Many people have been asking me about the true core and true core healing work. Our focus on oneness will continue because there no such thing as separation, no such thing as space, only connection.

Space as we see it is merely the density stuck in our physical body, making it impossible for us to see that which is vibrating at higher frequencies. I’ll try to simplify this by saying that which is very big and massive is also very small.

That is where our true core comes into the discussion.

We have the entire universe and beyond in our core.

Why do people say follow your heart, because that is where our true core is at the base of our heart chakra.

So how do we change the world and create more healing, peace, love, and oneness by going within? Doing deeper more powerful work by getting to our true core and releasing at our core we are able to create true miracles for ourselves and others.

The power it takes to get to our true core is immense and unbelievable in many ways.

This energy was not even available directly on this planet until 14 years ago because of our density. This work is what I am here for, we can heal anything as long as you are open to doing true core work and I will help your awakening no matter what.

Remember we can let go of thousands of years of holds and blocks in a quick session or empowerment. It does take special training but believe me it is worth it for all of us as is a true core session.

Okay now do your meditation with the focus on your core, the flame at the base of the heart chakra.
Expand it outward to surround yourself with that energy of true love and oneness.

I’ve given you a lot to digest, sense and feel so let yourself feel what you must.

I have a booth and will be doing special empowerments and healings at:
Michigan Psychic Fairs, Make sure to check: www.michiganpsychicfair.org
for more info, I will be at most of them. Dec. 3rd in Novi, Dec 9th in Chesterfield, Dec 17th in Farmington Hills and Dec 29th in Troy.

The majority of my work is remote work so you can also contact me by phone and set up work without having to go anywhere.

I look forward to meeting you and hearing about your progress.

Remember I am here to help support you and your growth so if you have any questions go to: www.beyond1111.com or https://www.facebook.com/toddstockwell/. You can also reach me on Facebook, via the website, e-mail- serendipitylightcenter@yahoo.com or by phone call: 734-740-9110.
And Remember what the world needs now is you!!!

Light, Love, and Service!!!

By Master Teacher, Guide, and Healer Todd Stockwell

Genesis Power Systems, Todd@beyond1111.com, www.beyond1111.com. (734) 740-9110


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