It’s All About The Chi


By Kathy Van Peteghem

As we continue to learn about ourselves and our surroundings, science is now discovering that our universe and everything connected to it is made up of energy. The law of thermodynamics in physics says energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred or transformed. To be our best, it is important to be conscious of our chi that interweaves throughout our whole being: body, mind, and spirit.

Our chi changes from day to day depending on our activities and the choices we make.

Let’s consider some of these choices that allow us to create our best selves:


Did you know that eating clean, organic, raw, fresh, local, homegrown food will generate a higher frequency of energy than foods processed and man-made? Ever notice that you catch that cold or flu when you are off your schedule and usually not eating healthy? Most likely, your energy frequency has dropped. A healthy human body is said to have a frequency between 62-78 MHz, and the cold and flu frequency vibrates at a lower frequency between 57-60 MHz.

If our lower energy frequency matches that cold and flu frequency…we usually take a sick day.

How can one tell what is a high-frequency food? Interestingly, Kirlian Photography has been used to measure the electromagnetic fields of foods (google search Kirlian Photography to see some fascinating photos on the web.)

With the Kirlian Photography process, each photograph of a vegetable or fruit shows a visual aura emitting from the edges of the sliced fruit or vegetable. Fresh, organic, and pesticide-free foods tended to radiate a bright auric field, indicating a strong life force energy. They also tested the energy when the food was prepared, such as boiling. Naturally boiled foods, like broccoli, lost some of their life force energy. While photos of meat and man-made foods emitted no electromagnetic field output, indicating the food was void of life force energy. As a result of this research, there are references found in many nutrition books and on the web listing foods to eat for the highest frequency of life force energy. “If you are what you eat” and want to maintain a high body energy, consider the option of choosing that fresh fruit over that second helping of sweets in a box.


Along with nutrient-dense food comes proper hydration. Our Human biology indicates that we are 70% water. To keep the body healthy, it is recommended that we consume half our body weight in the ounces of good quality water we drink daily. Being properly hydrated helps us stay focused, retain our good, youthful looks, and keep any accumulated toxins from our systems.

Recent experiments by scientists and researchers have shown that water can now store a memory. Scientists from Germany discovered that patterns of a flower when viewed under a microscope, were duplicated in the droplets of the water that held the flower. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, discovered how certain words tied to an emotion affect the molecular structure of water. When the word “Love” was attached to the glass of water, it illustrated beautiful harmonic crystal patterns, while another glass of water with the word “Hate” attached to it showed chaotic, sharp-edged crystal patterns.

So, when drinking your quality water from a glass container, consider blessing it verbally with a positive affirmation or mantra and even smiling at it. You’ll discover that “happy water” really does taste better, and you’ll quickly feel its refreshing benefits!


Both the body and mind interact day to day. If our body is healthy but not our mind, we do not function. If our mind is healthy and our body is not, again, we struggle. Exercise for many is often inconvenient. Performing an exercise routine daily requires a real effort due to already overextended schedules. If this is the case, try to have a different mindset about the word EXERCISE. What if you replaced the word EXERCISE with whatever it is that you love doing?

Gi-gong, yoga, dancing, hiking, skiing, biking, hockey, skating, running, mountain climbing, gardening, pickleball, etc. Because you now have changed the word “exercise” something you (HAD TO DO) with something that you “love” (WANT TO DO)… you will find time to do that activity often. Consider playing board games, putting together puzzles, learning a new skill such as cooking or a new language, theatre acting, photography, or volunteering. Social engagement results in a better community, keeping your body flexible and mind young. Keeping active, doing what you love to do, and using your mind releases energy blocks and keeps your life force energy at its peak.

Mental Beliefs

Our mind is alive with thoughts and emotions. Every thought you think has an energy field attached to it. It’s important to keep the energy of positivity working. “Energy flows where our intention goes” is a popular saying. If we believe we are having a lucky day…something lucky happens.

On the other hand, if we believe we are never lucky, we will usually find that the lottery ticket we purchased wasn’t a winner again. Why does it seem some people have all the luck and others are passed by? We attract the energetic frequencies that we resonate with. So, if we live in gratitude, we find blessings from the universe. If we live in fear, we see lack and struggle. Granted, life happens. Not every day is going to be in the flow of positive outcomes. We experience stress, physical challenges, and difficult relationships that affect our mental well-being. But knowing we are in control and have a choice to accept the feelings of hopelessness or change the situation with a positive thought of hopefulness can be a game changer.

In a recent conversation with a friend, I was informed that being hugged at least eight times daily promotes a higher immunity against flu and other nasty viruses and diseases. Why? Because it helps to release feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. Emotionally, people who gave hugs or received the hug felt more positive and connected. As we all affect each other’s energy fields, the act of hugging allowed both to have an open heart to send and receive love and acceptance. As measured on the Emotional Scale chart by Dr. David Hawkins, the feelings of love, joy, and acceptance vibrate at a much higher frequency, thus expanding our energy. At the same time, feelings of fear, anger, and guilt vibrate at a much lower frequency and constrict our energy. Being aware of your thoughts and redirecting those thoughts that drain your energy are important. Keeping your energy field expanded and positive aligns you with your life’s passion and purpose.

Spiritual Practice

As co-creators with the Universe (Source), we need to stay connected. This process requires keeping our energy on a higher frequency so we can “tune” into the messages we are being sent for the guidance and answers we seek. When we feel stressed, alone, victimized, or have low self-worth, this is an indication that our spiritual energy needs to be rebooted. Meditation, prayer, breathwork, journaling, and scheduling a grounding vacation in nature are useful tools that allow our energy to rise and reveal to our soul that we all vibrate with the energy of pure love.

By Kathy Van Peteghem

Kathy Van Peteghem enjoys the creative side that embraces the body, mind, and spirit. She is a writer, photographer, musician, artist, gardener-herbalist, and nature lover who releases a stressful day with tap dancing and Gi-gong. She loves living life from the heart and hopes to inspire others to do the same.


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