Designing a GREAT Life


By Susan deCaussin

Energy is what fuels the manifestation process. Some people believe it’s thought alone that will attract those things they desire in life. However, when people don’t support those thoughts with the energy of action, the process falls flat.

We all have set designers in spirit who are constantly setting the stage for the next act in our lives. The thoughts we hold and where we direct our energy provide those “designers” with instructions on the next scene in our lives. Imagine a bunch of carpenters swinging hammers and setting the stage for the next scene in a big play or production. They’ve been given specific instructions on exactly how things need to be constructed in order to accommodate all of the actors and circumstances that are coming next. But then, all of a sudden, the director has a change of heart, questioning his decisions. The workers stop hammering, and the concept never comes into being. This happens when you can’t consistently maintain the images, emotions, and energy that coincide with the circumstances you desire to have in your life. 

It takes patience, perseverance, and flexibility to manifest successfully. You see, everything happens exactly at the time it’s supposed to. That’s called Divine Timing. Everything requires perseverance – the act of expending energy in the direction you want, without giving up. Everything also requires flexibility – surrendering to the fact that the way you achieve your desired goals and the specific details that define the result will not always match how you envisioned it to be perfect. 

As you move into the new year, I want you to feel empowered to create a life that will fulfill your desire for a true sense of purpose. Reflect inward to determine what ignites excitement and passion within you. What evokes curiosity and draws you in to take a closer look? This is your inner guidance system pulling you in the direction of your calling. Release the belief that what you do for a living is supposed to be a mindless chore. Take charge and decide to pursue those things that light you up inside. 

You’ll never do anything better than those things you enjoy – and that’s the truth! More times than not, a person is being called to a specific path in life that’s related to what they do as a hobby. But lifelong programming, which says that we’re not supposed to like what we do for a living, sidelines any belief that we could actually make a living at doing the things that bring about feelings of joy and purpose. Permit yourself to explore a new way of being that elevates your excitement for life. Use the manifestation process to put those set designers to work for you, building the next scene of your life. Please provide them with the images, emotions, and energy they need to get those hammers moving. 

If you need help getting beyond the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, hypnotherapy sessions can help you to release those blocks. It provides the confidence and clarity needed to bring about amazing changes in the trajectory of your life. Reach out for a free consultation to learn more and start to bring about the life you desire!

Susan deCaussin CHt


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